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Forums Page 1

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This page is there to focus on explaining to prospective members and also the current members of the site exactly what forums we have and what goes on in each one. So sit back and relax and enjoy reading about the wonderful forums on Hogwarts: The Prophecy.
This page is there to focus on explaining to prospective members and also the current members of the site exactly what forums we have and what goes on in each one. So sit back and relax and enjoy reading about the wonderful forums on Hogwarts: The Prophecy.
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This forum keeps track of all the House Points being given out on the site. The House with the most House Points at the end of the year wins the House Cup.
This forum keeps track of all the House Points being given out on the site. The House with the most House Points at the end of the year wins the House Cup.

Current revision as of 08:18, 21 November 2006

This page is there to focus on explaining to prospective members and also the current members of the site exactly what forums we have and what goes on in each one. So sit back and relax and enjoy reading about the wonderful forums on Hogwarts: The Prophecy.



Admin Discussion

This forum is a password protected forum that the admins discuss things to help improve the site or to discuss any problems that are going on. This forum is inaccesible to anyone who does not know the password.

Admin Assistants

All of the Admins on The Prophecy have an assistant that helps them out with their tasks and such. Only the Admins and Admin Assistants can get into this forum. It is just basically there for the admins to post little jobs for their assistant to do if they themselves cannot do it.

New Members


This is probably the most important part of The Prophecy. The members pride themsleves on sticking to the rules. So we say that each new member MUST read the rules before submitting their application. And if a member hasnt read all the rules we will know. It just helps people to understand what is acceptable and what is not.


A new member may not know exactly what to do when they first join the site. We wouldn't blame you, it is quite easy to lose your way on the site if you don't know what you're doing. This is where the Angels come in; each new member can apply to have a person assigned to help them in their first few weeks. This person (or 'Angel') will help the person find their way, answer any queries and just be all round helpful until the member no longer needs their services.


A forum that just reiterates what is on the scrolling titles on the main Prophecy page. It is basically a forum that lets all members know whats going on on he Prophecy in the week ahead.

Member Applications

This where a member submits their original characters application form. There are two application forms, an adult form and a student form. There is a section at the top of each application where you put rules words, these are of course found within the rules section of The Prophecy and if the words arent right, we'll know you havent read them. And within this forum, there is a sub-forum where you can submit an application for a canon character (one from the books).Once you have submitted your application, you need to wait until it is marked by the Member Apps admin, which is Lucky1289. If your application is accepted, you will recieve a letter welcoming you.

New and Leaving Members

This forum is where current members can welcome new members or say farewell to older members that may be leaving the site permenantly or just for an unknown period of time.

Character Development and Information

Character Profiles

Thisis where a memeber re-posts their application when it has been accepted. This forum is here so we can basically keep a tab on all our members, but also so other people can read about characters personalities etc.

Character Relationships

This forum keeps tabs on all the realationships and families on The Prophecy. So witihn this forum there are threads for Couples, Engaged couples, married and divorced couples. There is also a place for family trees too, just incase a character has a large family! As a sub-forum in this forum for your characters plot pages, this is where you can create a list of friends, enemies and lovers for your characters.

Character Journals

A forum to keep your characters deepest thoughts. Its a good cource of rp too.


A forum to advertise for your characters. If you need a member of your characters family creating or maybe your character is looking out for love, well if thats the case then this is the forum for you.

Out of Character

Ask an Administrator

This is a forum where regular members can submit a question to members of the admin team, who are more than happy to help you as members out whenever your stuck with something.

Discussion Forums

This is an Out of Character forum where you can chat about anythig. There are even forum games for your entertainment. But please note that when you post in here, it doesnt count towards your overall number of posts.

Plug your Site

A forum where adverts for other sites appear. This is the only place on The Prophecy that advertising can take place. You can also affiliate within this forum too.


Office of the Headmistress

This is where people can cotact and post to the Headmistress ScarlettEsmeralda with questions or maybe even just a plain old RP threat.

Office of the Vice Headmistress

You can contact the Vice Headmistress Laney Chelle. Again you can ask questions here or just setup an RP thread.

Head Boy and Head Girl Office

This is another password protected forum where the office of the head boy and girl are situated. The prefects report here with their reports fro mthe areas they patrol every month.

PLOT Office

This is the forum where all the ideas for major plots are thought up. The plot team is lead by Seba Nile. He and his team of asistants work out new major plots for the entire site.

Student Activities Office

All the student activites are monitered and thought up within this forum. So the student activities admin Chrystallica and her assistants work on improving duelling club and other activities that take part within Hogwarts.

Security Office

This is the forum where a record of allthe warnings and bans that we have had on The Prophecy are kept, just so we can keep on top of making sure the site runs smoothly all the time, with no conflict at all.

Newspaper and Classified Offices

The Daily Prophet

This is the heart of the newspaper, all stories and things are thought up here. Any Ideas for big-time stories all come through here before they are posted on the paper's very own blog site. The Editor is Shane Eurus.

The Quibbler

Agian this is the heart of the proceedings for this newspaper. All Ideas and drafts come through here before they are posted upon the paper's own blog site. The Editor is Shane Eurus.

Job Applications

This is another unique part of The Prophecy, you can get your character a job or maybe a number of jobs. Your characters get paid for them every two weeks. There are a number of jobs listed and the application templete is in the forum. The head Admin of the job application forms is LostxAngel. Before you get your job, she has to mark and accept your application.

The Hogwarts Grand Tournement

Ok so there are quite a few collective forums for this so It's best to write about them all at once. The Hogwarts Grand Tournament is a long running contest on The Prophecy and its basically like what goes on within Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire. Four Hogwarts students have been selected and four tasks made up for them to compete in, so the contestents work their way through the tasks until they finish and whoever has the most points, wins. As simple as that.


Member Accounts

This is where all members accounts are stored. They detial all the money your character has and then doesnt have when they purchase things from stores. There is also a possesions sub-forum within here and this shows members what exactly they have bought and what they own.

Payroll Office

This is the forum where the payroll admin Wings of the Fairy and her assistants keep tabs on all the members on the site. It also has lists of people who have been hired or fired from a job. If you have any queries regarding your characters pay and such then this is where to go aswell.

Shop Accounts

There are threads in here detailing their profits and what goes out of the shop too in monthly owner profits.

House Points

This forum keeps track of all the House Points being given out on the site. The House with the most House Points at the end of the year wins the House Cup.

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