You head home first...

From Torg Adventure

You can’t resist giving her another kiss on those luscious lips. “Of course,” you say, wishing you didn’t have to leave at all. However, you know you’ll just have to be patient, especially since her dad is a vicar at the local church, and instead you think constantly about what you’d love to do to her this afternoon as you drive home.

Not wanting to have to explain where you had been all night you instead sneak in through the back door into the kitchen, hoping to get to your room and in bed before anyone realized you had been away all night. Unfortunately you hear movement from the living room as you’re creeping through the kitchen and realize that someone is going to enter before you can reach the hallway, and instead pretend to be getting breakfast just in time as your sister enters.

“Well, if it isn’t my dear brother, I told you that you wouldn’t get anywhere with Trish didn’t I” she smirks as she enters. “I’m sorry if I have friends who have standards too high for you, but you’ll just have to get used to it,” she says rather bitchily, but knowing how wrong she is just makes you grin, which seems to confuse her, not used to this kind of response from you. “You’re just a sad loser, you know that?” she says in a huff before going off in a huff back into the living room. Not wanting to have to talk anymore after the activities of the night before you head off to your room and crash on your bed.

You wake several hours later. Looking over at the clock you see that it is 15:43, late enough to call Trish you think smugly to yourself, but first you want to get something to eat. You get up and stagger downstairs to get something to eat. In the hallway you hear talking and laughter coming from the living room, by the sounds of things your sister has invited a bunch of her friends over. You head into the kitchen and open the fridge to see what there is to eat. As you’re looking, however, you realize that Trish might be with them, and even if she isn’t, another of your sister’s friends might be just as friendly as she was…

Well, what do you do?

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