Sam is Ready to Rumble

From Torg Adventure

Steeling yourself for what you know will be a tough battle, you tell Sam "Ready".

The two of you just look at each other for a few seconds, waiting for the other to make the first move. Your eyes lock with your sister's. Then your gaze drops. Sam looks confident for a moment, until she realizes why your gaze dropped, and what you're staring at.

"Hey!" Sam says, straightening out a little, making the breasts you were staring at bounce just a little. "We were having a stare-down, Max! My eyes are up here!"

"Sorry," you reply, forcing your eyes back to meet Sam's.

"No, you're not," Sam growls, getting back down into a crouch. She looks thoughtful for a second though. You're not sure what that is about, nor the little smile she gets for a second.

"Yeah, I'm not," you admit. "They're nice tits."

"Well, enjoy it while you can," Sam tells you with resolve. "Because today is likely the last day you get to see them like this." Then she lunges forward, grabbing at your shoulders.

You knew some kind of move was coming, so you're not caught terribly off-guard. You raise your own arms, grappling with Sam. It seems to be her intent to test her strength against you, as she grabs your shoulders and tries to push you back. You grab onto her shoulders as well, resisting her efforts. Sam is very strong for a woman, and even for some men, although it's not necessarily a lot of upper body strength. Her strength is distributed through her long, athletic body. Even though she's as tall as you, she weighs at best two-thirds of what you do, making it harder for her to gain leverage on you. And your arms are a little bit longer than your sister's. According to Sam, this was because you were part chimpanzee on your father's side. She stopped teasing you about it when you started mooning her and asking if you had a monkey butt, too.

Between your weight advantage and "monkey arms", as Sam used to call them, you're finding that you're able to hold your ground against Sam's attempt to push you back or move you around. Experimentally, you grab onto Sam's shoulders a little tighter, and further extend your arms, actually causing Sam to lose contact with your shoulders, despite her fingers grasping desperately to hold on. Her bare feet slide back an inch on the mat, then another.

"Good Lord," Sam says with labored breaths. "You're stronger than I thought... I might actually lose this." She sighs heavily. Very heavily. Your eyes are drawn instantly to her naked chest, as her expanding rib cage pushes her breasts up and out prominently. Her tits are nowhere near as big as her other sisters', but you weren't lying earlier when you said they were nice, and right now they're being displayed in just about the most attractive way possible. Between Sam's reluctant admission that she was losing, and this display of delectable boobs in front of you, your mind wanders from pushing Sam back to other thoughts. You realize, too late, that this is exactly what Sam had been waiting for when you had shown her just a minute or so ago how easily you were distracted by nice breasts.

She gives up grabbing at your shoulders and instead grabs onto one of your arms, turning around and backing against you as she does so. As she moves into position and grabs on tightly to your arm, you know what's coming, because it's what she did to you the last time you fought. As she leverages her hip against you, you try to lean back, and shift your weight away from her, but it's too late. You feel yourself lifted off your feet as Sam uses your weight and strength against you, flipping you over and throwing you to the mat in front of her. It's a modified version of the throw she used against you before, but less Judo and more wrestling. And this time she's holding onto your arm the entire time.

And then she is on top of you. Normally, having your naked sister on top of your equally naked body would be a cause for celebration. Actually, you're not terribly disappointed at the entire sensation of her naked flesh against yours. But detracting from the entire moment is the fact that Sam is not doing this out of lust, and trying to get you into her. She's doing this to try to beat you, and is using her position above you in an attempt to get your shoulders down onto the mat for a pin.

Hitting the mat stunned you for a second, as did feeling so much of Sam's exposed skin, including her tits, pressed against yours. You hear Sam call out "One!" and realize that both your shoulders are down. You wonder if you're going to lose this, in just the first minute of the match. Lose your chance at ever having sex with Sam. Damn it, you can't lose this match. You feel more adrenalin suddenly flowing through your veins.

Sam opens her mouth to call out the second number, but before the words can come out, you get your shoulder up off of the mat. She gives an exasperated grunt and redoubles her efforts to get that shoulder back down. But that means transferring effort from somewhere else. You let her get the first shoulder back down, but then you take advantage of the opening her shifting of power has presented you, and raise the other shoulder up. Continuing the motion, you roll Sam off of you, actually catching her by surprise, as demonstrated by her concerned yelp. She tries to scramble away from you, arms and long legs scrabbling on the mat, but you catch her by the waist before she can get too far away. She squirms and twists in your grasp, but you've got a good grip on her, and manage to pull her back down and push her onto the mat as you roll on top of her, reversing positions from a moment ago.

Sam didn't hit the mat nearly as hard as you did, but she still looks stunned. Maybe it's the fact that she couldn't keep your shoulders down, or that you were able to grab onto her so easily when she tried to get away. Or the fact that you've now managed to get both of her shoulders pushed down to the mat.

"One!" Her eyes go wide as you call out the count. You know now that her expressed concern of losing to you earlier had just been a ruse to distract you. Sam hadn't actually believed that she had a chance of losing to you. You see her struggle to get one of her shoulders up, but it barely budges. You've got your weight bearing down on her.

"Two!" Sam's eyes go wider. She bends her legs and gets her feet under her, then uses her long, powerful legs to bridge her body up, getting her shoulders off of the ground, and causing you to pitch forward off of her body in the process. Sam rolls away from you, coming up in a low crouch as you hurriedly get back to your feet and turn towards her, eager to press your advantage now that you know you can out-wrestle her.

"Wait!" Sam says, holding her hand out, stopping you.

"There's no time-outs, remember," you tell her, although you don't move closer to her for the moment.

"It's not a time-out," Sam says hastily. "It's a history lesson."

"What?" You look at her confused.

"Remember what I told you about the ancient Greek wrestlers?" Sam looks at you hopefully, as if not sure you would remember it.

"Yeah, I remember," you tell her, not knowing where she's going with this.

"They didn't just wrestle naked..." your sister continues, her voice less desperate now. There's a little bit of sultriness in it, which you haven't heard from Sam before. She stands up slowly from her defensive position. "They also wrestled covered in oil." She bites her lip and nods her head at the bathroom door to the side of the room. "And I have some baby oil in there."

Of course, your mind immediately goes to thinking about what Sam's already sexy body would look like slathered in oil. Trying to put that image aside for the moment, you decide to find out more. "So, the both of us would get oiled up, and continue wrestling?"

Sam gives a slight shake of her head. "I probably don't have enough oil for the both of us," she says. "There's likely enough for me, although since you've got more body area, with those broad shoulders and manly frame, I doubt we could get you covered."

Suddenly it makes sense. Sam is looking for an advantage in the fight, now that both of you had seen how the two of you faired in a regular wrestling match. Sam being oiled up would make it harder for you to grab onto her and then keep her down, as you had done with relative ease before. Your strength and weight would be less important, and Sam's nimbleness and skill would suddenly be at the forefront. On the other hand, Sam being covered in oil could make it easier for you to get your cock into her, either in her pussy or ass, which would be much harder against your struggling sister without some kind of lubrication. You doubt that Sam was thinking about that aspect.

"That would seem to give you an unfair advantage." You don't see the point of giving Sam a better chance of winning this. If she was trying to get this concession from you, it seemed likely that she was truly afraid of losing at this point.

"It wouldn't be an unfair advantage," Sam protests, her voice a little loud. Then she makes a visible effort to calm down, and go back to sultriness. "It would just be a way to even out the odds a little, and make this more sporting." She makes a show of looking your body up and down. "After all, you are bigger than me, and strong." She stretches her sexy athletic body. "And if fairness isn't enough incentive for you, Max... you're the one who would get to rub the oil on me." She looks down at her body. "Including these breasts that you like so much. And the pussy and ass that you want so much to get into you, as long as you don't actually put your fingers inside."

You're immediately inclined to see her offer in a favorable light. But it's still a bad deal for you. "As you pointed out before, you're my sex slave if you lose." It's your turn to look over her body. "As much as I love the idea of rubbing oil all over your body, that's something I could do to you after I win."

Sam's sultry smile fades. It goes without saying that she was desperately hoping that you would accept her offer. She guessed she was seriously doubting her ability to beat you in a fair wrestling match at this point, and was grasping at straws to try to even up the odds.

"I don't exactly have much else to offer you, Max," she complains softly. "If I lose, I'm already yours to do with however you please. How can I top that?"

Inspiration comes to you as she says that. "There is still something you could bargain with that might get me to change my mind."

Hope with equal parts of apprehension mix on her face. "Dare I ask what else you think I could put on the table?" She asks, the conflicting tones in her voice matching her expression.

"We never really talked about using any kind of protection when we have sex..." you begin. That part had been kind of vague.

"Oh, God," Sam says, her eyes rolling. "You want the right to not use a condom if I get to oil up, and you win?" She pauses for a moment. "Fine."

"Not so fast," you tell her, holding up your hand. "I'm just not talking me using protection. You couldn't use any, either."

"What???" There is no conflict in either Sam's face or voice at this point; it's all shock. "You want me to get pregnant?"

"Pretty much, yeah," you respond, trying to keep the smugness down in your voice. "Such being the case, if you get pregnant, you have to keep it."

Sam still looks shocked. "Seriously, Max? I'm supposed to let you get me pregnant, and then carry around your incestual monkey-armed fetus for nine months?" She pauses. "Who would probably have arms twice the length of their body, due to our genes combining!"

"I thought you said my arms came from my father's side of the family?"

"They do," she says stubbornly. "I was just using it as an example of why having incest babies is a bad idea. She shakes her head, although it isn't seem to be in denial at the moment, but rather disbelief. "Why would I ever let you knowingly impregnate me, and turn me into the single mother of my brother's baby?"

You shrug. "Because it's the only thing you have left to offer that might make me change the rules at this point, and let you oil yourself up." You see that get a reaction from her. "And because you aren't so sure you can beat me now in a straight-up wrestling match at this point." Her shoulders slump a little. "And because it's not really so much more to lose at this point for you, is it? With you all slippery from the oil, you know that greatly increases your odds of winning this, and ending up not having to sleep with me at all." Her entire body sags just a little at this last part.

Again, you shrug. "Assuming I agree to changing the rules at all. From my perspective, it looks like I stand a good chance of winning this match, so I really shouldn't risk modifying things at this point. I should just keep wrestling you, and then enjoy my new girlfriend if I win."

You can tell Sam is horrified about the idea of getting knocked up by you, let alone actually having to carry your baby to term and deliver it. Then again, she wasn't too wild about having to have sex with you at all. You could tell she was losing faith in her ability to win a regular match with you, but you knew that her pride didn't fade easy. You suspected that she believed that if she could even the odds in the fight, she could pull out a victory.

Does Sam agree to your conditions? Do you agree to oiling her up? Or does the match continue as originally planned?

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