Out to the Barn

From Torg Adventure

You feel as if you could cum in your pants until you hear a slight squeak come from the top of the stairs. Damn, Loretta isn’t coming to your room, but what is she doing, you silently ask yourself. Deflated you sit back down upon your bed when you hear the faint clack of the screen door in the kitchen close and you go to the window to see what’s going on.

Gazing down from your room you see Loretta step out from the porch clad in white cotton panties wearing a shirt that only covers half her ass. You fingers twitch in need as you watch her bend down showing off the perfect globes of her ass while she slips on some slippers. She then leans over to a chair and picks up a blanket and flashlight which she turns on pointing in the direction of the barn.

Looking down that way you see someone waiting for her but can make nothing more in the faint light. Not able to stand any more you move to your door and stealthy move into the hallway, and make your way carefully down the stair making as little noise as possible. You pause at the bottom of the stairs to make sure you haven’t somehow aroused Loretta’s gun-carrying father, and after a few moments, make your way to the back door.

Arriving at the back door, you look out to see Loretta disappear into the weather beaten barn with her companion, and you slip out the door also making sure not to let it bang as she had. You slowly start making your way across the yard and, after going ten yards or so, you discover why Loretta put on slippers when you step in something squishy. You stand there silently for a few seconds looking around for something to wipe the mess off your foot , when you see faint light start to emanate from the building. You shake off what you can and start to move the rest of the way spying a window off to the side next to what appears to be a pig wallow and make your way to it .

When your about ten feet from the window you stop for you can hear what sounds like whispered conversation, but you're unable to make anything out. Deciding to get to the bottom of this you creep up the last of the distance and peek into the window revealing Loretta and her companion.

Who is she with?

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