Meg wakes up

From Torg Adventure

Maintaining eye contact with me Sam slowly lowers her head until her lips are wrapped around the base of my cock. I can feel the final few inches of my cock in the tight confines of Samantha's throat. I let out a slight moan in pleasure. Meg on my right begins to stir. I quickly lower the blanket over Sam and raise up my knee attempting to hide the shape of Sam under the blanket.

"What time is? I think I fell asleep." Meg opens her eyes and looks over at me.

Sam slowly moves her head up, under the blanket, until the helmet of my cock leaves her throat. I manage to respond to Meg, "I don't know, late."

Meg looks over me to where Sam was, "Did Sam already go to bed?" As Meg says her sister's name Sam begins to bob her head in small but very fast strokes. The sensation and the situation is causing my balls to already begin to tighten in anticipation of my impending orgasm.

"Yes... I think she said she needed to slow down." I push Sam in the side with my knee as I say these last words. Sam does slow down and she slowly pulls her head off all but the head of my cock.

"OK, I think I'm going to head up to bed." Meg says, at the same time Sam plunges her head down to my base, my cock burying itself in her throat. I throw my head back and close my eyes. I hear Meg say, "You look tired too, you should head to bed soon."

Sam begins to start swallowing motions, her throat undulating around my cock. "Yes.. I'll come soon." Sam doesn't relent, I feel the cum building in my balls as Meg leans in for a kiss goodnight. Her lips reach mine just before my orgasm hits. I grab her head and give her a much more intense kiss than she was expecting as the cum shoots from my cock straight into her sister's throat.

"My goodness baby, someone's a little excited tonight. Sorry honey I'm just too tired." Meg gives me kiss on the forehead, as her sister slowly secretly sucks my cock clean under the blanket. Meg turns and walks out of the room.

What's next?

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