It's Lea

From Torg Adventure

Once again clad in her Ninja outfit, Flashlight in hand, Lea steps into the light of your flashlight.

"Is she alright?" You ask

"Yes Jane, Aimee is alright thanks to you." Lea tells you, with a softness in her eyes.

"Aimee=85. It suits her." You say.

"Gwen is with her helping her get herself together, can we talk for a minute?" Lea asks.

"Sure, take a pew." You say.

Lea sits down next to you on the bed looking unsure of herself.

"When you first said you'd help us I didn't believe you, I thought I was going to have to keep close eye on you all the way. After what happened just now, I wanted to say I was wrong and I'm sorry." Lea says, smiling at you.

"Lea if anyone doesn't need to apologize its you,. After what I did to you and Gwen I'm just glad you didn't shoot me." You say. "Beside I'm no hero just trying to survive another day, though I wonder why at times."

"Well, I'm very glad I didn't shoot you, because otherwise who know what would have happened to Aimee" Lea says, laying her hand on your shoulder. "Jane I=85.I," Lea says, stopping apparently uncertain of what she wants to say.

"Jane I've never had much luck with men. I've always been pretty gung-ho and I scared off every man who ever looked at me." Lea confesses.

"They were fools." You say.

"Thanks. I don't know why you did what you did, but right now all I can say is=85=85. I'm very attracted to you." She finishes, breathing hard as if she ran a marathon.

You bolt to your feet and take a couple of step away from her and look out into the darkness seeing the occasional flash of lightning from the store entrance.

"Lea I raped you, took you against your will. Why should you be attracted to me, as you said when you planted your dagger in my back that =91all testosterone filled jerk needed to die' and I fit the bill."

You hear the bed behind you creek, and moments later feel Lea's arms wrap around your stomach. Placing her head against your back she kisses the wound her dagger made which was scabbing over and still red.

"admittedly Jane, if someone else tried to rape me I would scratch there eyes out at first chance. But with you for the first time in my life I actually feel small and feminine, maybe because what happened between us came close to my most secret fantasies." Lea admits.

You turn and look at her "You had fantasies about being raped?" You ask in disbelief.

"Not raped, but forced." She corrects you, "You see, I've been running roughshod over men for so long that I wanted one who would see though me and make me feel like a woman. When you entered me I don't know how but you stripped me to my most elemental being and I liked it."

Lea steps back from you, curling her fingers into the hem of her shirt, she peels it off showing you her bare breasts, her nipples erect and begging for your attention.

"Now since seeing you stare down those three to protect a woman, I crave your lips on my breasts. I want your dick in me making me feel like a woman." She says, moving back she wraps her arms around you her nipples digging into the planes of your stomach.

"Please." she says, looking into your eyes.

Do you give her what she wants?

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