Head back to bed

From Torg Adventure

You decide it's not worth the risk, and head back to your own bed. Sleeping alone, you stare upwards endlessly at the ceiling as you ponder the hand that fate has dealt you. Just as you're about to drift off to sleep, you hear a phone ring and your mother get up and make her way outside.

The next few weeks allow you and your sister to continue your relationship, intermixing soulful moments of genuine affection with those of torrid lovemaking. The two of you manage to do it nearly every room of the house, in the backyard, in the car and during one rather risky night out at the movies. Each time the complete lack of contraceptives means that Doe's womb is constantly flooded with your seed, and given that it's no surprise when a few weeks later she comes to tell you that you had in fact knocked her up.

And while you may have started out with the simple idea of just knocking her up, you now truly love Doe and after some discussion, the two of you decide to tell your parents that she is pregnant together. Not that you'll tell them who's the real father, but you want to make sure she has the support she needs. Your parents are clearly disappointed in their daughter, but have their own equally related news - it looks like your mother is also with child! So, not only was your sister unable to stop from getting knocked up, it looks like your own mother was no match for all the sperm you managed to pump into her womb either.


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