
From Torg Adventure

I hear something. It's giggling. It takes me a second to remember that I'm sleeping on the couch. I hear the giggling again. Two sets of voices, girls. I'm too tired to bother opening my eyes yet.

"I dare you to take a look." That's Jenny's voice.

"He'll wake up!" That's Hallie, sounding nervous but playful.

I crack my eyelids, I don't want to let the girls know I'm awake, but I want to know what they are up to. I see Jenny and Hallie kneeling at the side of the couch staring at the blanket covering my crotch.

"Would that be so bad?"


"What? You saw his package stuffed in his shorts as well as I did. I bet he's huge, I wouldn't mind if he wakes up and sticks it in me." Blood begins to flow to my cock.

"You are such a slut!"

"You're one to talk. Let's do this." Jenny reaches out and slowly begins lifting the blanket. I can see her smile. "See look he is huge."

"You can't tell, that's just a fold in his boxers."

"Watch his face, tell me if he starts to wake up." I close my eyes tight as Hallie turns her head to watch me.

Now fully blind to what they are doing I wait in the silence that has suddenly fallen over the two girls, wondering if they will actually have the nerve to pull out my cock. My questions are answered moments later when I feel a warm delicate hand gently rest on top of my semi engorged manhood. Involuntarily my cock swells in the girls hand.

"Is he still asleep?" Jenny whispers.

"Uh huh."

"Look, he's getting hard!" Both girls nervously giggle.

"You're right, he is huge." Hallie says, my cock now fully tenting my boxers. "Pull it out, I want to see it!"

The hand removes itself from my cock, but moments later I feel a tugging and cool air on my warm rod as the girls pull my boxers up and over my erect shaft. I hear a couple of small gasps from Jenny and Hallie as my cock comes into view. My cock is now pulsing in anticipation swaying in the cool nightime air waiting for the girls next move.

What's next?

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