Get changed and meet Sara out front

From Torg Adventure

I get changed and meet Sara out front. She's wearing a short pair of running shorts and a grey and pink sports bra. The outfit really shows off her flat firm stomach and her toned muscular legs.

"Hey cuz! Ready to run?" Sara smiles at me. I can just tell by her enthusiasm and the condition of her body that she's going to run circles around me.

"I think so but go easy on me."

"You'll do fine, you lead the way. I don't really know the area."

I point off to the south. "We can head that way, a couple of blocks away is a nice park with some quiet wooded trails."

We go on our run. I start of in the lead and get us to the park, but after we're on the wooded trail. Sara passes me. I fall into a stride, just watching Sara's sculpted ass bounce a few feet in front of me. After a while she slows down and falls back in stride beside me and elbows. She elbows me in the ribs and points across the small clearing at another runner. "Look at her!" I look at see a thin relatively tall Asian girl with large tits that are bouncing around like crazy as she runs. "How do you think she manages to run with those things?"

I play dumb. "What things?"

Sara just gives me a look. "I think we should ask her. I'm going to catch up to her." With that Sara picks up her pace and takes off down the path.

What's next?

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