Flow on video

From Torg Adventure

You debate for a few seconds. Finally, you make what you decide is the right call. You reach down, and remove Jessica's hand from your body.

"Not right now, Jess," you say.

"What's the matter?!" she asks. "Don't you like me?!"

"Certainly!" you tell her. "I'd just prefer it if the picture were moving, but we weren't!"

You wave your video camera, and add, "Ya know; Make a movie!"

This appears to strike something with Isabelle, who grabs your camera-holding hand to get your attention.

"If you're interested in making a film," she says, "might I suggest myself to take a starring role? Besides, I'm sure I could get more to come out."

She pauses a moment.

"...To see it in theaters," she adds, though it is clear what she meant when she places her hand on your other leg.

How do you react?

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