Chase her

From Torg Adventure

"She can be so annoying. She's the same age as me, an Irish twin, so she gets in my face a lot," explains Cassidy. She has a frustrated look on her face.

"Let's get her. Then she won't tell on us," you reply, standing up.

"Oh, yeah. That'll teach Karen!"

The two of you dash out of the room; Cassidy leads you upstairs. Her sister's door is locked, but you notice it has one of those holes in the doorknob that will pop the lock, if you stick something thin in it. "Get me a bobby pin or paper clip, Cassidy. We'll get her out of there." She ran to her room, returning a few seconds later with a bobby pin. You push it in the lock and pop it. You open the door and push your way in; Cassidy follows close behind. Your cock is bobbing at halfmast in front of you.

Her sister is sitting on the bed, panting hard from the run up the stairs. Her brown hair is cut short, and her face looks a lot like Cassidy's, only with fuller lips. She's wearing a turtleneck and a short red skirt; warm winter stockings cover her shapely legs. Her tits are almost as big as Cassidy's, and you can see her nipples through the smooth cloth. She looks frightened and very sexy.

Cassidy moves toward the bed, her tits wobbling deliciously, and her sister darts toward the door. You step in front of her and catch her trying to get past. She struggles in your arms, but you hold her as gently as possible without losing her. On a whim, you lean down and kiss her. She keeps struggling, but slowly stops as she is overwhelmed by the kiss. You push your tongue into her mouth, and she starts kissing back.

You break the kiss and ask her, "So, what do you want to not tell your parents that Cassidy and I were having sex?"

What will she trade?

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