Busy in the kitchen and flirting

From Torg Adventure

Pulling on a pair of loose shorts to hide things and a tee shirt, you head to the kitchen for breakfast.

Your dad is being all domestic, cooking fresh waffles and bacon. Juice and coffee are on the table. Mary is already sitting, eating, fully dressed in jeans and a tee shirt that's tight enough to show off her tits. She looks up and smiles at you, then winks.

"Hey, goodlooking. What's cooking?" she asks in a happy sing-song voice. Her smile is one of those shit-eating grins that won't wipe off.

"Not much until now, sweetheart," you reply, leaning down to kiss her, quickly slipping your tongue into her mouth. You break the kiss to whisper, "You're grinning like you got laid last night. Imagine that?"

She whispers back, her breath ticking your ear, "Imagine that." She bites your earlobe.

You sit down next to her and rub her thigh. You pour yourself coffee with half and half.

"Hey, John. Good morning. Mom's sleeping in this morning. What many waffles?" your dad asks. He seems rather chipper, you think. Maybe Doe got to fuck him too? Your mom probably is sleeping off the booze.

Your dad puts a plate with three quarters of a circle of waffle on it. You butter it and put syrup on it, digging in. You're hungry from all the sex of the previous night.

Doe walks in next, grinning and wearing a long tee shirt and panties -- sexy as hell as usual, and while your dad has his back turned attending the waffles, she kisses you wildly while Mary watches, grinning. You cock is tenting out your shorts when she's done. She sits and pours herself some orange juice. As you eat you feel a hand on your stiffness. You look down and see Doe's hand stroking you under the table. You look over and wink at her. She pokes her tongue into her cheek, making it look like she's got a cock in her mouth.

Julie comes in next, looking rather disheveled and well-fucked -- and smiling. You bet that Julie went back and got some relief from Doe, after your blowjob. She's also in a long tee shirt and panties. Dad gives Doe and Julie waffles. After another minute, you feel stroking on your groin again. Looking down, expecting either Mary or Doe to be the culprit, you see Julie's foot massaging your cock from across the table. You look up to see her wink and lick her lips at you. Mary is reading the Saturday paper and doesn't notice. Nothing gets past Doe, and she is smiling at Julie and then back at you.

Your dad has a plate and eats standing up, and everyone digs in. Silence descends on the kitchen.

What next?

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