
From Torg Adventure

The next few weeks allow you and your sister to continue your relationship, intermixing it up with your mother. You're father, having managed to get himself thrown in prison over his little "incident" with the cops (drunk driving AND assaulting a police officer), was no longer around which meant you had free reign when it came to laying the pipe to both his wife and daughter. You manage to do it nearly every room of the house, in the backyard, in the car and somehow get through it without either one of them finding about the other. Each time the complete lack of contraceptives means that both of their wombs are constantly flooded with your seed, and given that it's no surprise when a few weeks later both of them come to you and alert you to the fact that they are pregnant.

Somehow, both women decide it would be best to alert you to the fact you'd knocked them up while you're fucking them. Doe let's you know as you're banging her in the back of your car, and your mother tells you as you fuck her against the wall of her bathroom - much like the first time the two of you had done it. Each time, you're so turned on by it that you mange to dump an extra thick load inside their now pregnant bellies. Your sister, who was already gunning for you to knock her up, doesn't think much of it - but your mother, she is both relieved and then turned on by the fact that you take such pride in the fact you managed to make her with child.


However, all good things must come to an end - Your mother decides to let Doe that she's pregnant (but not who the real father is) without you. As such, your sister also informs her that she's knocked up too. The two are at first quite elated and begin to share in the other's excitement… until they start to realize who it was that managed to impregnate both of them was the same person - you. It's not too hard - neither has been spending any time with any other male in at least a few months.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, or so they say. Your mother takes it less poorly then your sister, as she's only upset that you would look for sex from someone other then her. Doe on the other hand is crushed - she truly thought the two of you were in love, despite the fact you're siblings. They both snub you from that point out, and kick you out of the house a few days later.

Out on the street and cut of from your family, you're forced to move on. However through the grapevine you learn that both of them eventually carry your children to term, each having a girl. As such, you managed to knock up your sister (and your mother!) - but ruined your life in the progress.


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