A confrontation with Amy on the way to the bedroom

From Torg Adventure

"Why not both rooms, one right after the other?" Sam has a teasing smile on her face. "It doesn't matter where we start..."

You and Sam head upstairs. The nearest room will do. You're both extremely horny, despite the action you've seen today. Sam actually giggles a little as you get to the top of the stairs, but as you start heading down the hallway, she stops abruptly as Amy's bedroom door opens, and your nerdy sister steps out into the hallway. She stands there staring at the two of you, her arms crossed across her chest.

"Oh, hi Amy," Sam says nervously. You'd both kind of forgotten for the moment about someone seeing the two of you earlier.

"I was going to go talk to Mom," Amy says slowly. "I still could."

Sam's shoulders slump. "I wish you wouldn't. I can explain about the kitchen."

"Explain what?" Amy asks. "That you and our brother are screwing each other?"

Sam looks at you, and licks her lips. "It just kind of happened. It was a one-time thing."

Amy snorts. "It's been going on for days. I've verified that pretty conclusively."

Despite your concern over Amy revealing she knows, you're confused over one thing. "How did you verify it?"

Amy looks a little caught off-guard for a moment. "That's not important. But I know that the two of you have been going at it like newlyweds for a while now."

Sam looks at you again, then back to Amy. "Okay, we've done it a couple of times. But you don't need to tell mom. She'd just freak over nothing."

"It's hardly nothing, Sam." Amy has an accusing tone in her voice. "I can be silent, though. But my silence has a price."

You and Sam looks at each other. You're going to get blackmailed by your sister. This could really, really suck.

Sam doesn't look particularly happy over this turn of events. "What price, Amy?"

Amy takes a step toward the two of you. "Did you ever stop to consider that you're not the only girl in this family that has sexual urges? Urges they've repressed for a long time?" Her voice softens a little. "And maybe they share other people's lack of bias against incest."

You see Sam's eyes go wide in disbelief. "You're going to use blackmail to get sex?"

Amy keeps staring at Sam. "If I have to."

Sam looks at you yet another time. "Fine, if it means you won't tell. As long as Max is okay with it, I don't care if he sleeps with you, as long as it keeps you quiet."

Amy looks at you then. "Max? What's Max got to do with this? I want to have sex with you, Sam."

Sam looks shocked. "Me? Why do you want to have sex with me?"

"Oh, come on, Sam," Amy says. "Is it that hard to believe that two different family members would have the hots for you? You're totally hot."

"Okay, I kind of thought you might be a lesbian," Sam admits. "But I'm not! I like boys." She looks at you. "Tell her, Max!"

"She likes boys," you say emphatically. "A lot."

"That doesn't mean you can't like girls, too." Amy leans against the hallway wall. "I didn't realize girls could interest me, until I realized how much I didn't really care for the guys I slept with."

Sam looks distinctly uncomfortable. "So the only way you don't tell mom is if I sleep with you?"

"Yeah, that's about it, Sam," Amy says. "So you can take your chances with Mom, or you can take your chances with me. What's it going to be?"

Does Sam say agree or not? Or does she try to modify the terms of the offer?

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