A chance meeting at dinner

From Torg Adventure

By now it's late in the afternoon. The aroma of dinner cooking wafts through the house. You head to the kitchen to see what's cooking and find your mother broiling steaks -- a lot of steaks.

"Hey, Mom, what army are you cooking for? That steak smells great," you say, leaning over her shoulder to watch her saute onions.

"Karen and the girls are coming over. We did brunch at their house and dinner here. Set the table for me?"

"Sure." You start taking plates out of the cupboard and carrying them into the dining room. You get to work.

The front door opens and Aunt Karen, Nancy, and Gwen walk in. Gwen and Nancy are wearing dresses, Gwen's is pretty and lacy, while Nancy's is sexy with a plunging neckline. You admire Nancy's body -- red hair (your favorite), slightly bigger tits than her sister, and more curves -- especially that great ass. Her birthday is ten days from yours, so you've always been close, but with some nearly-sibling rivalry as well. Not as much as between Nancy and Gwen, but close. Gwen's lack of boundaries about sex with other family members has you looking at Nancy with more interest. Then you shake your head, since juggling two family members is going to be hard enough, even with the consent of one of them. Three would be impossible.

"You guys are just in time," your mom calls out. "The steaks will be done in 4 minutes."

You get the bowl of broccoli and set it on the table and sit down. Sam comes down, and Lisa walks into the house from the garage.

Everyone files in and takes seats. Sam and Gwen flank you and Nancy sits across from you. Karen and your mom are on each end and Lisa sits between Nancy and Karen. Amy runs in from upstairs and sits on the other side of Nancy.

Dinner is pleasant with much small talk and 'please' and 'thank you' for passing food, since your mother and aunt are both sticklers for manners. The nice table cloth and the good dishes make sure everyone knows that this is time for best behavior.

You stop yourself from reacting when you feel a hand on your left thigh under the tablecloth. You sneak your eyes down and see Sam's arm moving. You nearly choke when you feel Gwen hand on your other thigh. They both rub your legs while maintaining their conversations with the rest of the table. You can't speak right now, but luckily, no one is talking directly to you.

You are frozen when Gwen's fingers find your bulge and she runs a fingernail up and down your denim covered shaft. You manage to take a bite of steak when she retreats, but slow your chewing to a crawl when Sam does almost the same thing, and then unzips your fly. Sam deftly extracts your hardening cock from your boxers, stroking it sexily. You're not sure how she does it, but she asks Gwen for the mashed potatoes as she's shucking your corn cob. Gwen uses her right hand and Sam takes the bowl with her left, then sets it down to dish her potatoes. Her hand recedes, only to be replaced by Gwen's nimble fingers. Gwen makes a yummy sound as she eats her food.

Somehow, you pull Herculean reserves of inner strength to resume eating in a semblance of normalcy. Gwen again removes her hand and Sam almost immediately starts jacking you off again. You are gripped with the fear that Sam will find Gwen's hand on your cock, but you keep up the charade of nothing going on.

When Mom gets up to get dessert, a raspberry pie she made while you were fucking her daughter or her niece, they both retreat to their respective laps. You recover your cool and finish your meat and veggies. You don't have a chance to zip up unnoticed, so you just sit. The pie comes in with ice cream on top. You begin eating it.

You choke and sputter when you feel both hands grab your johnson and run into each other. "Oh!" Sam says quietly and surprised. She looks past you at Gwen, but doesn't say anything. Your eyes bug out of your head when they both resume fondling your junk together.

"Are you okay, Max?" your aunt asks with concern.

"Yes, I'm fine, Karen. This pie is scrumptious!" you say, which thankfully starts a round of appreciative replies.

Finally, Sam tucks your cock back into your pants as dessert is nearly over, and Gwen carefully zips you up. They both look at each other around your head. Gwen gets up to clear the table, and Sam follows to help. You panic to think about the two of them talking, but there's not much you can do.

What happens next?

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