A Fun Swim Class

From Torg Adventure

You slip back into the water. It feels invigorating and free without your excess hair. The girls around you keep glancing down at your penis. As you swim to Miss Silverton's instructions, you feel the nude bodies of the girls around you, sometimes stealing swipes at your penis underwater.

"All right gang, it's time for diving lessons," calls out Miss Silverton. You all clamber out of the water, standing on the tile floor. Looking at all the naked bodies around you, you get another erection.

"Our new student can demonstrate diving to us today," says Miss Silverton. You get on the diving board and attempt to dive in. You do a half belly-flop, half dive into the water. As you clamber out, you groan.

"Oh no," says Miss Silverton. "You're hurt! Can somebody please volunteer to make him feel better?"

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