Universal Studios Monsters

From Top Trumps

Universal Studios Monsters
Producer Cooper
Country UK
Year 2005
Packaging/Colour N/A
Stats Release Date
Fear Factor
Number of Sequels
No. of Cards 30
One of the few packs made by Cooper. This pack lacks a description on each card but the template used matches the images perfectly. Also the images, they're perfect. Dracula is by far the best card in the pack and the Hunchback isn't. However, yet the packs appearance looks good the game does drag on and can take half an hour before someone quits.

Card List

Bride of Frankenstein
Countess Marya Zaleska
Dr Frankenstein
Dr Mirakle
Frankenstein’s Monster
It Came From Outer Space
Jungle Woman (Paula Dupree)
Man Made Monster
Mole Person
Professor Edward Burke
The Brute Man
The Creature From the Black Lagoon
The Deadly Mantis
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
The Incredible Shrinking Man
The Invisible Man
The Leech Woman
The Mad Ghoul
The Monitor of Metaluna
The Mummy (Imhotep)
The Mummy (Kharis)
The Phantom of the Opera
The She-Wolf of London
The Werewolf of London
The Wolf Man

External Links

Universal Studios Monsters at the Just Stuff site

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