Politicos - Conference 2007

From Top Trumps

Politicos - Conference 2007
Producer Winning Moves
Country UK
Year 2007
Packaging/Colour white
Stats Year Elected
Parliamentary Skills
No. of Cards 30
Politicos - Conference 2007 is a promotional pack of 30 politicians. It was available for all of the "2007 Party Conference Season" at all the main conferences.

Card List

Alan Johnson
Alex Salmond
Alistair Darling
Boris Johnson
Caroline Spelman
Charles Kennedy
David Cameron
David Davis
David Miliband
Des Browne
Douglas Alexander
Ed Balls
Ed Miliband
George Galloway
George Osborne
Gordon Brown
Harriet Harman
Hazel Blears
Hilary Benn
Ian Paisley
Jack Straw
Jacqui Smith
James Purnell
John Hutton
Lembit Opik
Menzies Campbell
Nick Clegg
Oliver Letwin
Theresa May
William Hague

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