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Nikki Jinki Bricky

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

icon_confused.gif The original author of Nikki Jinki Bricky does not have any further information on this article. The author may return to finish the article when information has been gathered, however they welcome anyone to expand on this article.

Nikki Jinki Bricky
Game TS2
League Elite League
Section One Shot Thrills
Mode Team Deathmatch
Map Chinese
Character Nikki
Enemies Encountered Crypt Zombie x8
Rewards Silver: Nikki
Gold: Jinki
Medal Requirements Bronze: ?
Silver: ?
Gold: ?
Platinum: ?

Nikki Jinki Bricky is a Team Deathmatch Arcade League Challenge in the One Shot Thrills series of the Elite League in TimeSplitters 2.


Try to kill fast. You can't punch so use the aim on the brick and don't be late when throwing. Don't throw wildly. Throw when you know you got them, but do it quick!

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