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Escape from NeoTokyo

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 19:06, 9 October 2007 by ZurizeTheSplitter (Talk | contribs)
Escape from NeoTokyo
Game TS2
Section Infiltration
Map NeoTokyo Streets (NeoTokyo police patrolarea, jump down from start of story level)
Character (Unknown)
Enemies Encountered Lightspot Cameras (Not personal enemies)
Rewards (Medal unknown): Big Ears hat
Medal Requirements (Unknown)

Escape from NeoTokyo is one of easiest challenges, because all you have to do is get to same place you have to go in end of NeoTokyo story level, but unseen by Spotlight Cameras.



Well this actually don't need any strategy told, just do all same like you do NeoTokyo on normal difficulty, when you have to go that way after killing Sadako. If you get busted, you lose. Just dodge the Spotlight Cameras until you reach end of NeoTokyo level.

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