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Edit Guide
From The TimeSplitters Wiki
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As an encyclopedia, the TimeSplitters Wiki must be written in a certain way. Through-out the wiki the following guidelines should be met to insure a formal and universal sence:
- A formal tone
This ensures a proffesional wiki is made.
- Correct spelling
Spelling is rather obvious, as well as grammar.
- Use of Infoboxs
The Infobox system is a good way of displaying information. The main article itself will expand on this information.
- Proof where appropriate
Don't make stuff up, unless you specifically say "it is probable" or "he was likely to", etc."
- Linkage
Make sure to link the words in articles whenever possible. For example, mentioning Cortez in an article, there should be a link to his page.
How to Edit
If you wish to start an article, simply click on it's red link and then begin.
The Syntax
- '''Text'''
This makes "Text" bold.
- ''Text''
This makes "Text" italic.
- '''''Text'''''
This makes "Text" bold & italic.
- [[Sergeant Cortez]]
Appears as: Sergeant Cortez
- [[Sergeant Cortez|Bald Guy]]
Appears as: Bald Guy but when clicked goes to Sergeant Cortez's page.
- [http://www.frd.co.uk]
Appears as [1], and when clicked goes to Free Radical's website.
- [http://www.frd.co.uk My Website]
Appears as My Website, but when clicked goes to Free Radical's website. Notice the single space between the URL and the text.
- ----
This makes a line across the page, used to seperate things- use sparingly.
- *Cortez
The star makes a bullet point.
- = Text =
Makes "Text" appear as a Main title with a seperater line
- == Text ==
Makes "Text" appear as a sub-main title with a seperater line. Basically, the more equal signs you put, the less high ranked the title is.
- [[Image:Example.jpg]]
This puts an uploaded image on the page.
- http://www.website.com/picture.jpg
If you want to display an off-site picture, all you have to do is paste it's URL onto the page.
- [[Image:Cortez.png|right]]
This makes the embedded picture move to the right of the page, and the text will go around it. Likewise you can also choose left or center instead of right. However, you can only use this feature with uploaded images, it doesn't work with off-site pictures.
- [[Image:Cortez.png|frame|Here is a bald man]]
This makes the picture appear in a frame with a comment below it saying "Here is a bald man". You can leave out the comment if you want.
Maps, Characters and Weapons all use Infoboxs. They appear at the top right of the article and display information. But how do you include these if you are beginning an article.
{{Infobox Map| name = Insert Map's name here| image = Paste URL of Image here| size = Small/Medium/Large| location = i.e. A Chinese Restaraunt| climate = i.e. Raining,snowing etc| unlocked = How the map is unlocked| rec_bot_set = Bot #1<br>Bot #2<br>Bot #3<br>Bot #4<br>Bot #5| rec_wep_set = Wep #1<br>Wep #2<br>Wep #3<br>Wep #4<br>Wep #5| }}
The bot #1 & wep #1 etc are the bots/weps in the recommended bot/wep set for that map.
{{Infobox Character| name = Insert Character's name here| image = Paste URL of character here| unlock = How the character is unlocked| species = [[Human/Cyborg/Zombie/Alien/Mox/Robot/TimeSplitter]] etc| size = Small/Sub-Small(like Stumpy)/Normal/Large| accuracy = Out of 10| agility = Out of 10| stamina = Out of 10| fire_proof = Out of 10| shock_proof = Out of 10| default_ai = See below about this field| timezone = This character's time zone, i.e. Cpt Ash would be 1920-1935| appearence = The character's first appearence, i.e. TS2 Story Mode| relations = If the character is related to another, i.e. Mary-Beth and Jo-Beth Casey| games = Which of the games this character appears in| }}
For "default_ai" see it's explanation.
{{Infobox Weapon| name = Insert the Weapon's name here| image = Paste the URL of the weapon's picture here| ammo = Max Clip Size/Max Ammo| fire_rate = How many bullets it fires per second (Example: 2bps)| reload_time = How many seconds it takes to reload (Example: 0.9sec)| damage = What percentage of health it takes off to the head & body.| type = [[Melee/Pistol/Shotgun/High Fire-Rate/Heavy Weapon/Rocket/Explosive/Sniper/Other| zoom = If the weapon has a Zoom feature or not.| p_fire = What Primary Fire does.| s_fire = What Secondary Fire does.| games = Which games the weapon appears in.| }}