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m (Infoboxes on Wheels moved to Infoboxes)

Revision as of 09:54, 19 November 2006

Maps, Characters and Weapons all use Infoboxs. They appear at the top right of the article and display information. But how do you include these if you are beginning an article.



{{Infobox Map|
  name           = Insert Map's name here|
  image          = Paste URL of Image here|
  size           = Small/Medium/Large|
  location       = i.e. A Chinese Restaraunt|
  climate        = i.e. Raining,snowing etc|
  unlocked       = How the map is unlocked|
  rec_bot_set    = Bot #1<br>Bot #2<br>Bot #3<br>Bot #4<br>Bot #5|
  rec_wep_set    = Wep #1<br>Wep #2<br>Wep #3<br>Wep #4<br>Wep #5|

The bot #1 & wep #1 etc are the bots/weps in the recommended bot/wep set for that map.


{{Infobox Character|
  name           = Insert Character's name here|
  image          = Paste URL of character here|
  unlock         = How the character is unlocked|
  species        = [[Human/Cyborg/Zombie/Alien/Mox/Robot/TimeSplitter]] etc|
  size           = Small/Sub-Small(like Stumpy)/Normal/Large|
  accuracy       = Out of 10|
  agility        = Out of 10|
  stamina        = Out of 10|
  fire_proof     = Out of 10|
  shock_proof    = Out of 10|
  default_ai     = See below about this field|
  timezone       = This character's time zone, i.e. Cpt Ash would be 1920-1935|
  appearence     = The character's first appearence, i.e. TS2 Story Mode|
  relations      = If the character is related to another, i.e. Mary-Beth and Jo-Beth Casey|
  games          = Which of the games this character appears in|

For "default_ai" see it's explanation. Characters also use a "Gestures and Gallerys" inforbox, fill in the appropriate boxes and leave N/A in boxes that don't apply.

{{Infobox GGI|
  ts1gesture     = The character's gesture in TS1, if any. If not in TS1 put N/A|
  tsfpgesture    = The character's gesture in TSFP, if any. If not in TSFP put N/A|
  ts2gallery     = The character's gallery entry in TS2, if not in TS2 put N/A|
  tsfpgallery    = The character's gallery entry in TSFP, if not in TSFP put N/A|


{{Infobox Weapon|
  name           = Insert the Weapon's name here|
  image          = Paste the URL of the weapon's picture here|
  ammo           = Max Clip Size/Max Ammo|
  fire_rate      = How many bullets it fires per second (Example: 2bps)|
  reload_time    = How many seconds it takes to reload (Example: 0.9sec)|
  damage         = What percentage of health it takes off to the head & body.|
  type           = [[Melee/Pistol/Shotgun/High Fire-Rate/Heavy Weapon/Rocket/Explosive/Sniper/Other|
  zoom           = If the weapon has a Zoom feature or not.|
  p_fire         = What Primary Fire does.|
  s_fire         = What Secondary Fire does.|
  games          = Which games the weapon appears in.|

Also, Elite Yoshi has said that users should include their tips on using the weapon when posting.


{{Infobox Glitch|
  name           = The Glitch's (nick)name|
  req            = The requirements for the glitch to work, seperate each with a <br>|
  credit         = The Glitch Finder|

an example:

{{Infobox Glitch|
  name           = Evil Gingerbread Apocolypse|
  req            = - TimeSplitters FP<br>- Story Mode Completed<br>- Gingerbread Man unlocked|
  credit         = Xylaquin|

would appear as this:

Evil Gingerbread Apocolypse
Requirements - TimeSplitters FP
- Story Mode Completed
- Gingerbread Man unlocked
Finder Xylaquin
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