
From Three Kingdoms Online Community

Cynic, who also goes by the name of McWatt, first appeared in the RTK community on March 31st, 2002. He became an active member of the political arena of and at one point had a website, along with Mr. Fictitious. (As of this writing, the website is currently defunct.)


[edit] Early Days

From all that this author can recollect, Cynic was quite active a Weist within the community and idolized Dian Wei a great deal. While not the most active and formidable of debators on the subject, his natural intellegence gave him an edge over most people and he defended Wei valiantly, and always beat back the Shuist "lol nubcakes".

[edit] Jumping ship

Eventually, Cynic went from Weist to Wuist. He chose to idolize Dong Xi, a Wu general who became famous for, among numerous military victories, drowning at sea in a storm, defending his ship valiantly to the last man. He defended Dong Xi ferociously, and soon grew to idolize the Wu generals Xu Sheng and Chen Wu as well, calling the three the "triumvirate"

Wei still holds second place behind Wu, especially being partial to the Wei generals Yu Jin, Yue Jin, Li Dian, and of course Dian Wei.

[edit] Current activites

Cynic currently has limited activities in the RTK field, choosing to remain active in the political area of the community. He still professes his Wuist alliegence.

[edit] Miscellaneous

Cynic is one of the few openly homosexual members of the RTK community, and has recieved some flak for it. But his orientation is generally openly accepted by all within the community and has even generated a curiousity.

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