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[edit] Statistics

Character Name: Kouji "Page" Shima
Series: Akihabara@Deep
Gender: Male
The Item: Laptop
Journal: akibakei @ livejournal

[edit] Residence

Housing Unit A, NORMANDY; Apartment FOUR

[edit] Personality

When one first meets Page, they will probably experience any number of thoughts. The first is that he appears to be a shy, nervous young man who rarely talks. The second is that he’s rather odd. This may be exemplified by if you do manage to get him to talk, the small laptop he uses to talk. If, however, he doesn’t use this, one will soon see why he does; Page has a very prominent stutter, made worse, of course, when he is nervous. Despite, or perhaps as a result of this, Page tends to think hard about what it is he is going to say, particularly if it involves someone he cares about, or the actions are likely to have consequences.

Even within Akihabara@Deep, Page still appears one of the quieter, more thoughtful members of the group, with a marginally stronger grounding in reality. He would do anything for those that he cares about, even if it means he will get hurt. As a highly emotional young man, Page has a habit of allowing them to cloud his judgements, and it does, at times, mean he places his own emotions and well beings above those of his friends, before realising just what is important to him.

[edit] Powers and Abilities

Within Akihabara@Deep, each member has a specific talent unique to themselves. Except Page. Page is somewhat intelligent and grounded in reality, honest, caring for his friends, but… He has no specific talent. Within the Akiba group, however, his personality makes it such that he is suited to be the leader, whether he wants it or not, and the group turn to him to make their decisions. Page, however, often seems the part of a leader who does not want his job; he has as many doubts, if not more, than the rest of the group, and is equally as capable of coming up with ideas that will never work, or turning to the AI Izumu created of Yui after the woman’s death.

[edit] History

In brief, Page is an ‘otaku’; His life is spent in Akihabara. At first, Page was just what one might expect when they hear someone described as an otaku. His life was nothing; he had no friends, and he was a shut-in, his life (if one could call it that) was spent in front of a computer screen. This, however, is where Yui comes in.

Yui set up a website, a counselling service called ‘life guard’. Yui’s ‘life guard’ was where people could come and talk to an unbiased person through the internet, and she would offer them advice. She succeeded in helping many people, and Page was one of these. In Page, Yui saw something special, and she urged him to meet with others, specifically those that she also saw ‘something’ in. As a result, Page meets five others who have been touched by Yui, and each have their own talents (and quirks) that she believes would allow them to reach bigger and better things in Akihabara. They thus form ‘Akihabara@Deep’, named as such by Yui.

Akihabara@Deep first decides to use each of its members to talents to put a stop to the ‘otaku hunts’ that are plaguing their city. From here, they set up a far more formal company, with the goal of being Akiba’s ‘troubleshooters’, a place for the citizens of Akihabara to turn to should they encounter problems with their life in the city.

The company then proceeds to help their fellow citizens of the district, solving such cases as a mysterious peeper during cosplay contests who films the contestants changing, and then sells the DVDs, and a stalker of a childhood friend of Akihabara@Deep member Box.

The company attracts the attentions of Digital Capital president Nakagomi Takeshi, who has a strange connection with the recently deceased Yui. After unsuccessfully attempting to buy the AI Yui from Akihabara@Deep, Takeshi sets about destroying the small company.

After @Deep member Daruma is hospitalised after an attack from DigiCap, @Deep is disbanded by Page, who states that they are ‘weak’, and would be unable to stop Takeshi, and he is unable to protect, and stop them from ending up like the comatose Daruma.

Upon Daruma’s recovery, Page overhears Daruma discussing @Deep’s disbandment with Box and Taiko, and realises that they chose the wrong course of action. As such, he calls a meeting, and the company reforms, and heads to DigiCap’s building in an attempt to recover Yui’s AI, and the kidnapped @Deep member Akira. After an intense battle against the self-proclaimed ‘evolved Otaku’ Nakagomi Takeshi, the @Deep members win, and are therefore able to continue with their company in relative peace.

[edit] Relationships

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