From Thes1project
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Character Name: Kai
Series: LEXX
Gender: Male
The Item: His assassin's brace
Journal: last_brunnen_g @ livejournal
Housing Unit A, NORMANDY; Apartment FOUR
Kai is Dead. He is a reanimated corpse originally programmed by the followers of His Shadow to assassinate heretics to His Shadow. He is mostly a stoic being with little will of his own, or, motivation to do things for himself. He finds his motivation in helping others. When he's given a reason to be motivated, Kai will do everything within his power to accomplish the goal presented to him. When he is no longer needed for a specific task, he returns to a 'hibernating' state. On occasion, he may show emotion to things and events, but most of the time, it's a learned response from others around him and memories of when he was alive.
Powers and Abilities
Kai is animated by a substance called protoblood. Since there is no way that protoblood is a renewable resource, I like to say FLUX GATE fluke to make the protoblood self-generating or it does not decompose. His body is denser than a human's because it is de-carbonized and it contained metal implants such as the skeletal system. Contained within his right wrist is his brace which is a metal throwing object that is jettisoned to decapitate people. Two pincer like blades are razor sharp and can open and close. This brace is attached to a cable so that the weapon can return to him. The brace can also be used to rappel up and down tall buildings or swing over holes and the like depending on how well the brace attaches to an anchor point. Kai also has regenerative abilities due to the protoblood. If a limb is hacked off, an orange glow surrounds the cut pieces and when they touch, the gash closes up. For Game purposes, if Kai looses a body part, he must hold the pieces together for an extended length of time or find a way to 'attach' them so that the protoblood can reattach the pieces.
2000 years ago, Kai's planet, Brunnis2 was attacked and destroyed by the Cluster, a group of planets that were ruled by His Shadow . A prophesy had been declared by the Time Prophet that the last of the Brunnen G would destroy His Shaddow. His Shaddow (An insect intelligence that possessed catatonic humans) killed Kai and out of spite stole all his memories and made Kai into an undead assassin. During 2000 years, he killed for His Shaddow and was feared by all. One day, he was animated to stop a bumbling security guard and not yet brainwashed love slave from stealing the most destructive force in the two universes: The Lexx. During a battle, Kai regained his memories from His Shaddow and decided to help the security guard and love slave escape from the cluster and find a new planet for them to reside in.
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