Urdnot Wrex

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[edit] Statistics

Character Name: Urdnot Wrex
Series: Mass Effect
Gender: Male
The Item: Mass accelerator shotgun
Journal: wrex_rex @ livejournal

[edit] Residence

Housing Unit B, STALINGRAD; Apartment SIX

[edit] Personality

Unlike most of his race, Wrex is a calm person, who rarely loses his temper. He is trying to rise above the mindless thrist for violence that his race has devolved to since the genophage that has rendered nearly all of their race sterile. He seeks to regain the honor that most of his race has lost due to war and their race's want for quick money, and excitement through battle.

[edit] Powers and Abilities

CANON: Has higher cellular regeneration than humans, much stronger and had natural armour. Can use biotics, with gravity bending and energy effects. Can lift, throw, make a barrier, and a stasis field.

AU: Missing battle armour, still has natural armor and nearly double the strenght of a human, can lift a small field of objects, and can 'throw' and object with almost half a tonne of force.

[edit] History

Wrex is part of along line of Krogan warlords, and is one of the last of the Krogan Battlemasters, and the youngest to recive the title in over a thousand years. Krogan Battlemasters are experts in fighting with natural Biotics, and any available weaponry. After a fight with his father, who had betrayed him, and who Wrex killed in retaliation, he served as a mercenary for nearly 300 years, before finding himself on the Citadel, looking to kill underworld boss by the name of Fist. After teaming up with a Comander Sherpard, there was a large series of events across the galaxy chasing a rougue Specter by the name of Saren.

[edit] Relationships

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