Excel Excel

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[edit] Statistics

Character Name: Excel Excel
Series: Excel Saga
Gender: Female
Age: 17~18
Job: Cook
The Item: A framed photograph of Il Palazzo
Journal: pseudonym_excel @ livejournal

[edit] Residence

Housing Unit A, NORMANDY; Apartment SEVEN

[edit] Personality

Excel is, in so many words, a walking, talking, breathing maelstrom of batshit crazy. Manic in her behavior, she's hard to keep under control once she gets rolling. At times her inner-monologue can be *heard* quite well, fueled by an intensive imagination that usually leaves those around her scratching their heads. Her energy, enthusiasm, and undying loyalty happen to be her only real virtues, and be it karma or just luck, she's prone to utter failure at pretty much everything she attempts. Which can probably be attributed to her lack of sensibility, rationality, and general incompetence. ^_^; She rushes headlong into everything, and all she seems to accomplish in doing this is some manner of catastrophe which she will usually take no responsibility for.

[edit] Powers and Abilities

Despite popular belief, Excel is human. XD The only ability which may appear to be super-human is her resolve to live, no matter what the situation. She's been known to escape and divert the worst of situations (though not necessarily unscathed), and in some cases simply fool death altogether (break the fourth wall). Such is the dynamic of her character.

[edit] History

It's unknown how or when Excel joined Il Palazzo, but that's really not what's important. From the get-go we know that she is 'Senior Officer' (AKA Latrine Orderly) in the Idealogical Organization known as 'ACROSS' ('The Organization for the Promotion of the Institutionalization of the [Supreme Ideological] Ideal [on Earth]), and also the only member besides the leader, Lord Il Palazzo.

Later on in the series, a woman named Hyatt puts in an application and gets a position beside Excel, a loyal member who always calls her 'Senior' no matter how many times Il Palazzo demotes her.

The story itself isn't very explainable, however. And it's yet to be finished. The first 12 or so books followed the exploits of Excel and her team (later including a woman named Elgala whom she simply hates most of the time) as they attempt to complete different missions for the sake of ACROSS' conquest of Fukuoka City. It's decided that if they can conquer one city, it leaves room for setbacks before they go for the entire world-- a corrupt world which ACROSS will set right (supposedly).

A little later in the storyline, we finally meet ACROSS' antagonists, the Municipal Force Daitenzen which consists of the girls' neighbors and a councilman named Dr. Kabapu. Throw in an android, too, because you can't have an action squad without one~

As of recent releases, ACROSS has succeeded in getting a hand in the city's economic structure by monopolizing electronics manufacture and sales with super low prices! We've yet to find out how exactly they've done this, but who knows, really... Excel has been placed in the position as 'president' of the company, while Il Palazzo stays in the shadows with his crazy, and Hyatt and Elgala continue running perilous missions of treachery and blackmail against local politicians in order to reveal Kabapu's own dirty deeds to the city.

Really, the story is about a blundering group of anarchist-terrorist-underdogs lead by a schizophrenic yet charismatic man, who seem to wrack up quite a bit of collateral damage on their way to the 'top'.

[edit] Relationships

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