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Character Name: Gaara
Series: Naruto
Gender: Male
The Item: His gourd filled with special chakra-infused sand
Journal: sunakage @ livejournal


Housing Unit A, NORMANDY; Apartment TWO


After years of constant blood thirst and feelings of pure hatred, Gaara grew up to become a far more calm and dedicated being. The newfound love of family and protection of his people gave Gaara a new outlook on life. He became less selfish and self-centered and learned to show concern for those in need of help. He has become the person who is first to stand up and fight for someone until the end� given that it�s a reasonable fight, of course. It�s still not a good idea to push him to aggravation, though, because when he�s mad� he can be really� unpleasant. He won�t pursue a challenge he knows he has too much of an advantage over, for it�s a waste of time, but if his challenger is an arrogant one, Gaara would kick his butt just to prove a point.

He can come off as very stiff at first, especially if you don't know him well, because Gaara doesn't know how to react to certain situations. He still becomes confused with concerns over love or anything donned "precious," though he is doing his best to understand better. His replies to people can come off as cold, but he means no harm. The position as the leader of his village has given him a rather stony and professional vibe that he cannot shake off easily, though it tends to disappear if he is in a personal situation with his siblings or close friends.

Powers and Abilities

Gaara is able to manipulate sand in every way possible because of Shuukaku (his inner demon). He can gather it, mold it, use it as an impenetrable shield, create clones using it, and basically anything else you can think of. He is also able to transfer his chakra into sand which he specially keeps in the gourd on his back. That chakra is known as his �Ultimate Defense� and constantly protects him from harm. No one can even touch him unless he allows them to and drops the layer of sand from immediately covering his body.

In very desperate situations he can call on Shuukaku and use layers and layers of sand to protect himself in a shape similar to the demon�s form. Ever since he became Kazekage he barely ever uses this ability anymore, but it comes in handy when all else fails. In that form he relies on strength alone to defeat enemies and is more immune to attacks. Gaara can also unleash the spirit of Shukaku through his Feigning Sleep Technique which forces him to sleep and allows the Shukaku copy to operate at its full potential.


Ever since he was a little boy, Gaara had lived a life of loneliness and solitude, considering how no one wanted to get near him out of fear that he would� well� kill them. He had been misunderstood as a child and betrayed far too many times in order for him to get remotely close to making a friend. He was just as innocent as the next little boy seeking friends or any form of love� from anyone. Despite his lapses of uncontrollable behavior when startled or anxious, Gaara had tried to be kind to the other girls and boys in his village but to no avail, for they were far too afraid of him to ever get to know him. He was always confused about himself and his surroundings, especially when it came to why no one liked him.

When his seemingly-sweet uncle, Yashamaru, ended up being a traitor to him as well, he felt devastated, beyond hurt. The only person who had ever accepted him for the person he was rather than the demon inside of him, lied to him throughout his short-lived years. Yashamaru had been ordered to kill Gaara by Gaara�s own father, the current leader of the village. Unfortunately for Yashamaru, Gaara�s �ultimate defense� of sand protected him, and Gaara ended up murdering the man instead. Before his death, Yashamaru made sure to bitterly explain to his nephew of the true reason as to why he was so rejected by the villagers. When he was born with a demon inside of him, Gaara was immediately donned as a large threat to the village. Apathetic and unafraid, Gaara�s mother became the sacrifice to the village as Gaara immediately killed her after his birth (though, he could not help doing so, of course). People grew afraid of him, wondering when he would snap and kill the rest of them. His father and siblings treated him even worse, mostly ignoring him and pretending he wasn�t related to them. Even Yashamaru admitted to having despised him all along, infuriated that he had lived while taking the life of his own mother: Yashamaru�s sister. The kind and gentle front he had put on for the boy had been absolutely fake, because while he smiled and protected Gaara on the outside, he constantly wished for his death on the inside.

All that information was far too much for Gaara�s young mind to take, and he went completely insane. After killing Yashamaru, Gaara�s inner demon easily possessed him deeper, feeding onto the malice and heartlessness that had grown to great levels. That was also when he carved the kanji for �love� into his own forehead with his sand, as a constant reminder of the one thing that he lacked.

That was when he became really scary.

His personality changed from one extreme to another. His naivety turned to hate, his craving for love became a (near) forgotten memory, and his one-tailed demon constantly thirsted for blood. His only motivation in life was never allowing his existence to disappear because as long as he killed those in his way, those who interfered, he felt alive. His reputation turned to one of shocking fear, even worse than before, in Sunagakure, but he didn�t really care. He used to when he was a small boy, but by the time he was a teenager his past experiences had built him into the ultimate, apathetic weapon. Even his family was terrified of him, especially his older siblings, Kankuro and Temari.

During the Chuunin exams, Gaara was used for a greater purpose in the deceptive plan to destroy Konohagakure. The demon inside of him, for once, became a useful element in the eyes of the opposing forces, though for very wrong reasons. Even so, Gaara didn�t necessarily care because as long as killing was involved, he and Shukaku were satisfied. It was a rather horrible thought, yes, but true. Before the big attack, Gaara and his siblings successfully got through the preliminary matches. It was during his fight against Rock Lee that Gaara was reintroduced to the idea of �bonds� and �love.� When Lee�s sensei, Gai, saved him at the last minute, just as Gaara would have killed him, Gai called Lee �precious� to him. The term highly confused Gaara. Precious? He had never been precious to anyone before, nor them to him, so the idea was utterly useless in his mind. He could not understand why people chose to protect others. Given the opportunity, Gaara would have murdered his own brother and sister without a second�s thought if it benefited him� so such concepts only caused further mental and emotional dilemmas within him as his demon struggled to keep Gaara focused away from sensitive topics.

Gaara made it into the final one-on-one matches, coincidentally paired up with the one genin everyone was eager to see fight: Uchiha Sasuke. In his own crazy way, Gaara was also excited to be up against the proclaimed Uchiha prodigy, the sole survivor of the murdered clan. He knew of Sasuke�s power and intense natural ability, and could not wait to crush him. As luck would have it, in the middle of his figh, Gaara could feel Shukaku burning inside of him more than ever before, willing to escape from Gaara�s tired, sealed body. Thus, the infiltration of Konoha began as the villages of Suna and Sound teamed up, attacking the surprised people. Temari and Kankuro escorted their rapidly-possessed brother into the deep forest of Konoha where Shukaku finally emerged and Gaara fell into a deep sleep, unable to control the intense demon spirit or suppress it any longer. During his rare slumber, Uzumaki Naruto continuously attempted to stop him, though the effort seemed horribly futile at first. Eventually, the orange ninja was able to wake Gaara and defeated him, meanwhile also teaching Gaara that they were two of the same: cursed boys with ill-fated destinies and pasts full of similar feelings of loneliness. Bewildered, Gaara tried to register all the information as his siblings saved him, taking him back to Suna as Konoha�s Hokage was successfully murdered by Orochimaru, completing part of the operation.

Naruto�s words bothered Gaara for the longest time. He was unable to accept the fact that someone out there understood his pain and all the hard times he had been through as a child. The revelation that he wasn�t alone scared him at first� It was such a foreign feeling, one he wasn�t comfortable with and could not comprehend. While recuperating, though, Gaara completely changed. Naruto�s words snapped him out of his insanity and practically saved him from himself. From that day on, Gaara realized the importance of bonds between people and building relationships. He became a much easier person to deal with and did not feel the desire to kill as often or heavily as before. It took him longer to get over his absolute thirst for blood, but he did eventually and even learned to control his outbursts. He developed a closer relationship with his siblings and his village, and as a result, was even given the position of Kazekage at a young age � the most skilled ninja in the village. With his new attitude, many were still afraid of what he was capable of, but he took that fear as a warning sign. Now, his biggest role was to get people to trust him as a person, not just as some cursed monster, and the only way he knew how was to prove himself worthy of his new position.


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