The Joker

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[edit] Statistics

Character Name: The Joker
Series: Batman/DC Universe
Gender: Male
The Item: A rubber chicken named Agnes
Journal: make_em_laff @ livejournal

[edit] Residence

Housing Unit B, STALINGRAD; Apartment SIX

[edit] Personality

The Joker loves to laugh. LOVES to LAUGH! Because he gets it! Not like the rest of you rubes. Petering around your miserable lives, building families, having day jobs, avoiding ingestion by viral living dead. You go about your business secure in meaning. Secure that what you do makes a difference. Secure in the fact that you matter, and that there is hope for the future. The truth is that there is no hope. That just like insects scurry and fetch and serve, so to humans, and with just as little purpose and just as little hope. The universe is slowly winding down as all things in it slide to their ultimate goal: Nothingness. Most would find that depressing, but that is only because they still think they matter, that there should be hope, that there should be life. The Joker knows that this is the best of all possible worlds. He knows that nothing makes sense, and nothing is supposed to. Sanity is the real illusion. Something that fearful, weaker minds cling to. The world is spattered canvas of chaos, and the Joker is there to be the one to burn the whole thing down. There is no point! What are you going to do? Cry? Brood? Create order? NO! You GIVE IN! You RIP the world to shreds, LAUGHING all the way while every meaningless THING and PERSON gets taken apart one by one. Or you know, he could have an elaborate scheme in order to have you walk under a specific door with a specific bucket filled with very specific fluid placed on top of it, because that's comedy!

Of course this is all exposition.

In lay mans terms the Joker is a dangerous psychopath with a genius level IQ and no moral compass other than his own amusement.

[edit] Powers and Abilities

Big squishy brain meats full of IQ points and crazy. Immune to most mind effecting abilities due to all consuming madness.

[edit] History

Up for grabs. The Joker himself has several back stories, none of which may be true. He has been quoted as saying "If I am going to have a history, I'd prefer it to be multiple choice". Sometimes he remembers things one way, sometimes another. The solid elements of his history are as follows: 1. He was not always this way. The most common story is that he was a small time thief named Red Helmet before a Batman induced accident with a vat of chemicals left him bleached and mad.

2. He Hates Batman.

3. He Loves Batman.

4. He's been sent to Arkham Asylum scores of times, and seems to be able to escape almost at will.

5. He has killed most likely in the neighborhood of several hundred to a thousand people. And it was funny every single time.

[edit] Relationships

Under construction

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