Kakashi Hatake

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Character Name: Kakashi Hatake
Series: Naruto
Gender: Male
The Item: Facemask
Journal: copykatkashi @ livejournal


Housing Unit B, STALINGRAD; Apartment NINE


At first glance, Kakashi seems aloof, lazy, and perverted. Perverted, only because he is known for commonly carrying a book of pornography with him - though of course, he doesn't have that book of pornography here, but plenty others from his time know of it and are shocked that he didn't drag it along with him. He has a common habit of mishearing or just flat out not listening to people, so conversation with him can be frustrating to say the least. However, when required, Kakashi can become completely focused and catch every little detail, indeed more accurately than others, thanks to the special ability of his left eye. Kakashi is quite difficult to get close to, used to keeping his personal life closed and guarded thanks to working with the ANBU, or perhaps it is that he quite cleverly has no personal life to guard. He's not one to count on for punctuality, nor a sympathetic ear or shoulder to cry on, but he can be a very loyal and extremely protective friend, provided he allows you that close.

Powers and Abilities

Sharigan in left eye - allows him to read movements and techniques, repeat, 'steal' or adapt them as his own. Also allows him to read and view porn novels at a super-fast rate. Chidori - lightning element, concentrated in his palm and aimed with the Sharigan. Both lightning element and a Sharigan are essential for this jutsu, so it is 'his,' rather than the thousands he's stolen with the Sharigan. And really most of them won't work here, anyway. Generally being a badass - is an inherent trait, cannot be learned, and has been honed to a fine point.


Hatake Kakashi is the only son of Hatake Sakumo, also known as the infamous 'White Fang' of Konoha. Also trained from a very young age to be a ninja of Konoha, Kakashi proved from his youth to be quite talented. When he was still very young, his father became an outcast in the village after abandoning an important mission to instead save his comrades, and after some time of living in exile, Sakumo committed suicide the traditional way. This left Kakashi with a very strict rule-abiding and -enforcing personality, never wanting to be an outcast as his father was. He believed that 'those who do not follow the rules and regulations are trash.' Perhaps to further distance himself from the family, he began wearing a face mask around this time, to obscure the similar features he shared with the man.

However, a little later in life, on his first mission as a jounin (the highest rank of ninja) and leader of a team, Kakashi was convinced by a teammate and his best friend - Obito - to abandon this attitude, going after their third team member instead of opting to finish the mission. Obito taught him that 'those who abandon their teammates are worse than trash.' This was a strong turning point for Kakashi, as the mission also proved to be the last he would share with Obito, who was then killed in the line of duty. Obito's last, sentimental act was providing Kakashi with the sharigan eye he had recently activated, after Kakashi's was cut out by an enemy. This eye gave him the ability to read others' movements and techniques and steal or adapt them to suit his own needs, later earning him the title 'Copy Ninja.' Kakashi began to emulate some of Obito's habits in further attempts to keep him alive, showing up late to missions; displaying a rather lackadaisical attitude despite his abilities; and generally being a badass. Whoops, nevermind, that was Kakashi's habit to start with.

However, Kakashi still remained focus when the need was there, and at 16, was inducted into the elite ANBU forces, being sent on the harshest and most rigorous, soul-tormenting missions their village took. Often times these missions involved assassination and torture, as well as highly classified information. Dealing with this missions further hardened Kakashi, making him a rather un-personable person upon first meeting, and a very private one. Though he was often seen wandering the village, he rarely spoke to most of the inhabitants, though was respected by them as well. Kakashi is currently 18 years of age, still operating for ANBU and at the height of his capability, or so he believes.


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