Daisya Barry

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Character Name: Daisya Barry
Series: D.Gray-Man
Gender: Male
Age: Not Given
DOB: Not Given
Job: Shopkeep
The Item: His bell, Charity Bell (equipment-type Innocence)
Journal: [http://callingchime.livejournal.com callingchime @ livejournal


Housing Unit B, STALINGRAD; Apartment ONE


Daisya is a cheerful, puckish young man, he is extremely optimistic and considered either very careless or extremely brave. He sees things in the now, and does not plan things too far in advance in preference for having fun. He always seems to be on the go only pausing to observe something off in the world. But, that doesn’t mean he does not know how to work. He is known for playing pranks and having a short attention span. He often tries to keep everyone happy even at his own expense. He is over all a good person. He likes to chatter and will even try and keep up his cheerful personality even in the heat of things. When push comes to shove, he will put on his working pants and do his job, even if he does try and make it more fun by playing around and taking things as they come. He can be described as shallow considering that ninety nine percent of the time he is only smiling and not worrying about the little things. But, like most people who tend to keep on smiling, he is just swallowing any thing that might upset him, which would eventually blow up in a katamari of anger and venom.

His main personality flaw is his desire for attention and when he feels like he isn’t getting it, he will get very jealous and irked at the person he believes is wronging him. This is followed by his slight personality shift of when he actually is fighting because he shows slight sadistic tendencies. He enjoys, for example: blowing up Akuma, causing wanton destruction and the idea of kicking the skull of the person he is fighting in, taking it in as a very dangerous game that he wants to win with style.

He is a bit self-conscious when it comes to his size, and with his looks. Though he tries to brush it off.

But as of late, he has been falling into a slight pit of depression due to currently playing host to Yami no Bakura and seeing the death of a few of his friends when zombies invaded the city.

Powers and Abilities

Daisya’s natural born abilities are that of a very athletic young man. He can easily run for long distances at high speeds and jump from tall buildings with nary a scratch on him. He is able to perform gymnastic feats such as doing a standing backflip kick and being able to land standing up without even thinking twice about it. He can also run and jump onto a boat while it is going, landing in a crouching position facing where he started from. He is flexible, agile and has high energy. Most of his strength lays in his legs.

His other ability can only be used when he has his ‘Innocence’-a bell called “Charity Bell”, which he uses much like a futbol. With the bell, he can use various levels of sound waves to blow living and non-living things up. When inactivated, it looks much like a normal, jingle bell with heart patterns along it, but when activated it grows to the size of a futbol. When activated, it floats near him and he can control its movements to a point, where it can fly away, go into a building and then go at the enemy from the side. Judging by what has been seen of him fighting with the bell, he does not need to be in contact with the bell at all once it has been activated and it will still do as he would like, suggesting a slight telekinetic bond with the bell.

But, he is a distance fighter, and not really one to get up close and personal unless he has some sort advantage ((even if that advantage is in his mind)). Due to his small size, he has a smaller reach, less strength, and even though he has excess energy can be worn out quicker than his larger counterparts along with having less endurance.


Daisya was born and spent the early years of his life in the tourist town of Bodrum, Turkey. He spent his days taking care of his three younger siblings, playing Futbol, and trying to escape having to work at his parent’s shop. While it was obvious all of them loved each other, they really seemed to be going off in their own directions, his father and mother trying to keep food on the table, Daisya, in his father’s words, looking for something he just couldn’t see, and the siblings being very young. Daisya did not want to grow up to become the owner of a souvenir shop, but someone famous ((a famous futbol player to be precise)) and even used his dream to try and make friends ((‘One day I am going to be a famous futbol player and you’ll want to be my friends!’)), but still, he felt like something was just off with the entire thing. Bored out of his mind, seeming a bit distanced from everyone else while trying to get attention from his peers, trying to escape the job he didn’t want to do and not be so bored.

Until one day, he met General Froi Tiedoll, who discovered that the youth, who saw him on the beach and decided to improve on the General’s painting by scribbling on it, was an accommodator for Innocence (a material that only 109 people can use to destroy Akuma, creatures made from the souls of the those who had died and brought back to life to kill other humans while wearing the skins of those who summoned them back and save their souls). The General asked Daisya for his name and got a response of the boy running off, and when being told to wait up, Tiedoll got the response of ‘I don’t wait up!‘ in which a small game was then played with the two of them, Daisya trying to leave the area and the General countering him, even by playing a small game of kicking Daisya’s soccer ball back and forth. Then, Tiedoll offered to buy Daisya lunch, which Daisya accepted. When asked what he thought of the food, Daisya said that it was tourist food and the older man just chuckled a bit before telling Daisya that he was an Exorcist-someone who can use the Innocence- Daisya at first didn’t want to believe the man, after all, the story was just too extraordinary to believe…He felt that Tiedoll just wanted to fill his head with an impossible idea, before Tiedoll could say any more on the subject, Daisya’s father came looking for him and Daisya sprinted off.

The next day, Akuma attacked the city and Daisya was told of this, he went to go see what was happening, and watched as the Akuma attacked and the General came in and destroyed the creatures with ease. He then told Daisya that he could also do that and that he would be waiting for Daisya at the edge of town. Daisya’s response: Turn up his nose and run off, thinking about everything that was going on. When he got home, his mother seemed worried because Daisya was where the Akuma attack happened, and Daisya’s was too worried, saying that it was probably just some sharks at the bay, ((which is kind of funny, considering Daisya’s favorite food is Shark)). He told them that it wasn’t a shark and went inside the house, where he didn’t even want to bother with his responsibility of taking care of his siblings. His mother yelled at him and he just left the house to go into the alley to kick around his soccer ball. His father came out, and a slightly awkward conversation of Daisya having dreams that can't be found in Bodrum.

That night, Daisya laid awake thinking of the events of the day, and the next day spent some time alone kicking around his soccer ball and then finally going swimming before deciding to go with the old man he met only days before. When he told his family this, his mother told him not to go, but then shut up when Daisya said he was going to go and his father said it was okay. Once the family shut the door, he got his soccer ball and kicked the bell off the door of where they kept the shop and lived. He went down to the beach where Tiedoll was painting and said he would go with him, when asked about the bell, Daisya said it was the only thing in Bodrum he liked, and that it also belonged to a ‘dirty old man, a noisy mother, two annoying little brother and a crybaby sister.’

Well, he eventually started training under the General to become an Exorcist with Yuu Kanda and Noise Marie. Tiedoll treated them as if they were his children and went off on missions to find Innocence and destroy Akuma. Eventually, Daisya, Marie and Kanda all became strong enough as Exorcists to be able to go off on missions by themselves. But, they had to regroup to search for their Master when one of the other Generals, Kevin Yeegar, had his Innocence destroyed, ’God Matter’ carved onto his back, crucified to a tree and eventually died from his injuries and gone insane from whatever had happened to him. A command was issued to bring all the living Generals back home. Daisya met up with Kanda first, noting that before hand something good had happened to Kanda because he could tell Kanda was acting more smug, then went to go find Marie in Spain. The three of them felt they were hot on their General’s train, although it seemed like Tiedoll didn’t want to be found, and Daisya was a bit irritated that he, Kanda and Marie had to go find and baby sit a man who was stronger than all three of them. They then found out the General might be in Barcelona where swarms of Akuma were heading. The three of them rushed to the city to save it and find their master.


Daisya is small and lithe, around 4 foot 10, give or take a few inches. He is a good example of a member of the Mediterranean race: dark brown-short hair that is kept messily (as if he grew it out, it might have been curly), dark green eyes and skin the color of tea with a bit too much milk in it. He has a very expressive face, though at first some people might be shocked by him, at best calling him exotic at worse calling him ugly. His eyes can best be described as snake or feline-like with slitted pupils and irises. Underneath each eye is a dark violet-almost black in some lights-fang like marking that trails down his face and stops mid-cheek by his nose. His nose is of the aquiline type.

His body has minimal muscle tone to it, as if he has trained to make himself stronger but stopped the second any bulk might of appeared, most of his strength obviously lying in his legs.


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