From Thes1project
Here is an essential map to navigating the world of The S1 Project, from outside Manhattan to your very own apartment.
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Outside Manhattan
Manhattan is split up into FOUR sectors and a center. The sectors keep it organized and easy to navigate. The city contains a 10 MILE diameter from one end to the other. Gates are located on the WEST and SOUTH sides of the complex. They are the ONLY well known exits. The rest is surrounded by a 30 FOOT wall made from scrap metal and junk. There is a path on top of the wall that is patrolled during every hour of the day. The four sectors {including the center} are as follows:Sector One
Housing units, agricultural departments and mess halls. All residential activity and residency resides here.
Sector Two
Retail and business. Places to shop, eat and everything else that could possible lead to a normal existence is here. ALL SHOP KEEPERS MUST HAVE A PERMIT TO OPEN SHOP.
Sector Three
Medical Hostels and armories. Hospitals, bunkers and offices.
Sector Four
Military facilities.
The capital. All offices of officials are held here. Access is extremely limited and heavily guarded. ALL CITIZENS MUST HAVE A PERMIT TO APPROACH THE CAPITAL GATES.
Housing Units
The housing units are composed of old apartment buildings that have been rebuilt and edited shortly after the wall was made. The floors are old and creek, and even though rooms 3, 4 and 5 have a connecting balcony, it is IMPOSSIBLE to reach as the doors to it have been sealed and covered by new wall.Each housing unit is composed of 10 APARTMENTS. Each apartment has 5 ROOMS. Each apartment also has a living area and a kitchen for those who can AFFORD food items to cook with. This includes utensils and ingredients.
THE CONDITIONS ARE POOR. These apartments are not in prime shape. Each room comes with the following: a bed with a comforter and one sheet, a pillow, a desk, a pen, a chair and a closet. ROOMS ARE SMALL AND CAN ONLY FIT THESE THINGS.
There are FOUR FLOORS to each building.
Floor One
Empty. There is nothing here besides old furniture that is either broken or decaying, and torn up carpet.
Floor Two
Apartments 1-5 are located here.
Floor Three
Apartments 6-10 are located here.
A garden area. Plants are maintained by agricultural staff. Residences of the building face a heavy fine if they are found picking at the plants or bothering them at ANY TIME.