Youichi Hiruma

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[edit] Statistics

Character Name: Youichi Hiruma
Series: Eyeshield 21
Gender: Male
The Item: Earrings
Journal: devilgeneral @ livejournal

[edit] Residence

Housing Unit A, NORMANDY; Apartment TEN

[edit] Personality

He's very single-minded, histrionic, loud, and really smart. Basically, he takes everything to extremes. Swears like a sailor and will do anything to get what he wants, no matter how many lives he tramples on.

[edit] Powers and Abilities

Excellent marksman and strategist. And blackmailer.

[edit] History

His parents are in jail for bank fraud, so he essentially raised himself. He gets money gambling, and is famous throughout Tokyo for controlling people with his Book of Threats. He runs his high-school with an iron fist, for the sole purpose of having his football team win the national championship.

[edit] Relationships

Under construction

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