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[edit] Statistics

Character Name: Clarice Ferguson (Blink)
Series: Exiles
Gender: Female
The Item: The collar given to her by Mr. Creed. Contains special metal that slightly blocks mental control and genetic tracking.
Journal: blinkintime @ livejournal

[edit] Residence

Housing Unit A, NORMANDY; Apartment NINE

[edit] Personality

Blink came from a war torn reality, and was subject to brutal experiments by Mr. Sinister, however, Sabertooth's upbringer gave her an innate toughness, and the experiences gained by being with the unoffical X-men gave her teamwork and leadership skill. She is often kind and willing to joke, treasuring life. She doesn't like to resort to violence, but will not shy away from it if that is a last resort.

[edit] Powers and Abilities

Blink has the ability to teleport herself and others at will. She can also teleport only parts of objects. She can open portals that displace projectiles and even enemies that threaten her. She can focus her ability into short, transparent, crystal-like javelins, which teleport whatever people or objects they touch. She usually keeps a supply of these in a quiver around her back. Her teleportations are always accompanied by a "blink!" sound, from which she takes her codename.

Offensive use of these powers include throwing her javelins charged with teleportation power. When they hit a person they can either teleport them away, or stun them unconscious by putting them "out of phase".

As a result of the flux gate, her powers have been severely limited. She can no longer do several consecutive teleports, and the distance has decreased to under half a kilometer at the very max. Even then, single teleports often tire her.

She is also a skilled hand-to-hand fighter, and it is unknown whether her enhanced agility is the result of simple training or a consequence of her mutation.

Blink also has an unusual appearance with lilac skin, dark pink hair, and green eyes. She also has pink marks across her face. These were present at birth, and are not scars or tattoos.

[edit] History

In the reality known as the Age of Apocalypse, Professor X was killed years before he ever formed the X-Men. An alternate reality unfolded into which the 5,000-year old super mutant Apocalypse gained control of North America and implemented a genocide campaign against regular humans.

Clarice Ferguson was born in Cartusia, Bahamas. Her purple skin complexion revealed her to be a mutant at birth. Her parents accepted this fact but feared their daughter would not be accepted by the local population. When Clarice was four, the Fergusons moved to Miami, Florida, in the United States. They hoped Miami would be home to a mutant population where an older Clarice would be able to socialize.

Clarice was a child when Apocalypse took over Miami. Blink was discovered by Apocalypse's Horseman Mister Sinister and his apprentice, the Dark Beast, who experimented on her, refining her powers.

Later, Sabretooth and Weapon X, members of the resistance force; the X-Men, raided Beast's laboratories and rescued Blink. She then became the adopted daughter of Sabretooth.

After Apocalypse was defeated, Blink was "unhinged from time". She was sent to an alternate dimension with other mutants and super hero's, tasked with fixing broken realities. This team, the Exiles, continued for many years, across many worlds, untill one teleport, she didn't end up with the Talus on her arm, or any of her team members.

[edit] Relationships

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