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[edit] Statistics

Character Name: Leo
Series: Fire Candy
Gender: Male
The Item: Fire candy
Journal: thorn-in-paw @ livejournal

[edit] Residence

Housing Unit A, NORMANDY; Apartment NINE

[edit] Personality

Mostly laid back (unless angry). Prone to self-destructive behavior when uppity. A little dim sometimes. A little lazy~♥. Intensely loyal to those he cares for.

[edit] Powers and Abilities

Nothing supernatural. He's half Lion, so he's vicious in a fight, very agile, and has a high threshold for pain. His saliva has healing properties.

[edit] History

PROLOGUE TO THE SERIES: "Long ago, in order for 'people to live like people', the concept of 'people living because they are people' was born. And with the advancing of sciences and culture-- the people sang, danced, laughed, cried, angered, grieved, loved, hated, met, parted, created, coveted, destroyed, reincarnated, prospered, repeat, repeat... Below this sky, on this planet, the people lived 'like people' and lived well 'like people'. And in the shadow of that light, darkness was born.

The balance between organic hormones related to environmental hormones brakes down. Freedom of sexuality - Men became women, women became men, sexual identity disorder, homosexuality, etc.. "Logical Sex" disappeared.

And in the shadow of human prosperity, the 'gears between nature's will and humans' made no noise as they crumbled, rotted, and were destroyed over a time so long you could lose yourself in it. And then, ironically--- The majority of humankind lost the ability to reproduce.

And then humankind used their sinful science to increase their sin. Experimentation using many animals: the project was called a complete success by them, and the danger of the extinction of humankind was avoided.

The genes of humans mixed with others, they were born against the will of Nature-- The Halfs."

Years later, the government allows the processing and distribution of a new stimulant drug called 'Fire Candy' which they deem 'safe for humans'... unfortunately, not only is it highly addictive, it's also a ticking time-bomb if used by Halfs. After using it even once, a Half will for the rest of their life be waiting for the repercussions in the form of spontaneous combustion.

Enter Leo, best friend to the main protagonist (Ryoki). He was born from human and lion and unlike his friend doesn't show any outward signs of hating his lineage. As children, Leo helps Ryoki come to terms with the outcast status they will inherently endure for the rest of their lives. He's confident and loud, just what his friend needs...

As teenagers, Ryoki is still somewhat withdrawn (and incredibly insane) but obviously benefited from the close companionship with Leo. The two lead a gang of other Halfs through their city of Shinjuku-- doing all in their power to just live and be free, be it involving using drugs (which it's important to note that canonically, Leo had recently chosen to stop doing Candy and pick up smoking cigarettes instead =3), sex, intense violence, self-destructive behavior-- you get that 'nothing to lose' vibe right off the bat. And *they* wouldn't disagree. UNLIKE most of the others, Leo is still a virgin, and he makes a really big deal about it. As a matter of fact, he's about to just pay to lose it when we are introduced to the character Haru, a male prostitute which Leo just so happens to pick up thinking he's a she. Despite the expected realization and freak-out period, Leo still accepts Haru as just one of the guys anyway and introduces him to everyone. ^_^ There was also blackmail involved, but that's neither here nor there!

About halfway through the series, Leo gets into a situation in which he is beaten savagely by a rival gang and on the edge of no hope. Upon being rescued by his friends he goes OFF and pretty much beats this kid to death with only his fists. He REALLY goes bat-shit for a bit and is wholly disgusted with himself about it (and also disgusted by the fact that Haru and Ryoki are pretty much getting off on watching him do it). Then he goes into emo-Leo mode for a while--- Anyway, point is; yes, he's unequivocally violent, but it also bothers him to just right out destroy another living thing so savagely.

Ummm... the series ends on a really, really fucked up note with absolutely no real resolution. So I don't know what happened to Leo after the events at the end, but I can assume and probably be dead on that he has a mental breakdown of some kind and PROBABLY either withdraws from everyone completely and/OR starts using again in hopes of self-destructing. (I play him as Leo after a year time-jump from the end, where he's doing what I've mentioned above-- started getting fucked up again and relatively suicidal, FYI.)

[edit] Relationships

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