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Character Name: Deadpool [Wade Wilson]
Series: Deadpool
Gender: Male
The Item: N/A
Journal: akadeadpool @ livejournal


Housing Unit A, NORMANDY; Apartment ONE


Slightly demented with a gallows sense of humor. He used to be a psychotic murderer, now he has his owned warped sense of justice to match his black humor. He has trouble relating to anyone and is arrogant, selfish, and rude to the extreme.

Powers and Abilities

Healing factor which enables him to heal at a much faster rate than normal. Wounds that would take weeks to heal only take days(able to regenerate damaged tissure/organs/bones), slightly above average strength/agility.


Deadpool, A.K.A. Wade Wilson was a soldier of fortune on his "earth". He contracted incurable cancer in his late twenties. This death scentence caused him to go to great lengths to find a cure. He was offered this by a secret Canadian organisation, Department K. They ran a program known as Weapon X.

They were trying to manufacture superheros. When Wade signed on to the orginisation, they sent him to what was known as "The Workshop". Here, Wade was experimented on daily for several weeks. Until he started to incite the other prisoners agaist the Orginisation and he was executed. But at that point his healing factor activated and he came back from the verge of death. Unfortunately this left him slightly brain damaged and psychotic. He escaped and became a mercenary onc again, working for whatever money he could get, until he took a look back on his life and decided to try and become a hero.

Unfortunatly, this didn't work out too well for him and he 'died' several times, coming back each time a little bit different. From getting his neck snapped to being partialy disolved into goo. The last time he was caught in a blast that destroyed another evil mercenary's mansion. And somehow, instead of being with Death in the afterlife, he found himself naked outside the flux gate, with only his mask on.


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