Ulquiorra Schiffer

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[edit] Statistics

Character Name: Ulquiorra Schiffer
Series: BLEACH
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown [quite young]
DOB: Unknown
The Item: Zankupakuto
Journal: stonemannequin @ livejournal

[edit] Residence

Housing Unit A, NORMANDY; Apartment SIX

[edit] Personality

Ulquiorra is a very cold and callous figure, almost emotionless and practically ruthless, even to his own comrades. He also deems anyone he does not find of particular interest to be "trash" and therefore expendable. His methods are violent, torturous, and his comrades also find them rather shocking. He speaks directly and bluntly, and would use very few words unless for an explanation; in which itself is rare for he feels he does not need to explain his reasons unless he really must.

Ulquiorra is also analytical, this side of him overriding his ruthlessness; if a person he deemed as "trash" proves their worth, he will spare them if they can be of use to Aizen. Despite his heartlessness, Ulquiorra is also very loyal; he serves Aizen entirely.

[edit] Powers and Abilities

Ulquiorrra is the Cuatro Espada in Aizen's army, meaning Ulquiorra's abilities are fourth amongst all of the arrancar under Aizen's command. He can deflect energy blasts comparable to a cero barehanded, and ripped apart Orihime's shinigami guards without even perceivably moving. Like other hollow and arrancar, Ulquiorra can use cero blasts and open garganta to move to and from Hueco Mundo. Ulquiorra also has the unusual ability to replay events he has seen to others by removing and crushing his left eye, which then turns into dust and flows around those Ulquiorra intends to use it on. The dust shows images of what Ulquiorra has seen during his missions. This eye apparently can regenerate, as Ulquiorra is seen with two eyes in his next appearance.

The following are default Arrancar skills, however, the ones used for attacking will be repressed a lot [some even powerless] within the walls, while the iron skin, the sensing and the quick step will stay relatively the same.

Cero (lit. "hollow flash"; the pronunciation is Spanish for zero) are high-powered energy blasts that can be fired from the mouth or hand. Only menos, arrancar, and vizard have so far been shown to use cero attacks, and it appears that higher classes of hollow can use it more efficiently. It is unknown whether sufficiently strong regular hollows are capable of it, but Ichigo's inner hollow was able to use the attack when it fully took control of him during his training with the vizard. A more powerful version of cero exists called gran rey cero (lit. "royal hollow flash"; the pronunciation is Spanish for great king zero). Only Espada are capable of using this version of the technique. In Hueco Mundo, the power of the technique is such that it warps the space around the point it was fired from. Negación (lit. "counter membrane;" the pronunciation is Spanish for negation) fields are used to rescue fellow hollows. Only the gillian-class menos have shown the ability to use it. Negación fields surround a target in a square beam of light that isolates the target from the dimension they are currently in, making it impossible to harm them. The field then pulls the target towards the menos that created the field. Espada have a special cube-shaped device called Caja Negación (Spanish for Negation Box) meant to simulate negación fields, which are used to punish their subordinates if necessary. The cube, when used on a subject, traps them in an alternate dimension from which there is no escape; however, this assumes it's being used as intended. More powerful arrancar, namely the Espada themselves, can escape given enough time. Pesquisa (lit. "inquiry circuit;" the pronunciation is Spanish for inquiry) is the arrancar equivalent of the shinigami ability to sense spiritual pressure. It functions similar to sonar. Hierro (lit. "steel skin;" the pronunciation is Spanish for iron) refers to the ultratough skin of the arrancar, which is a result of their compressed spiritual power. While their skin is strong enough to block even released zanpakuto bare-handed, it is by no means impenetrable. Stronger arrancar have proportionally stronger skin. Sonido (lit. "resounding revolution;" the pronunciation is Spanish for sound) is the arrancar equivalent of the shinigami flash steps; it allows the user to travel at incredibly high speeds for short distances. Use of sonido is punctuated by a brief static sound, in contrast to the "swish" sound used for flash steps. Bala (lit. "hollow bullet;" the pronunciation is Spanish for bullet) is a weaker but quicker alternative to the regular cero attack. The technique hardens the user's spiritual pressure and fires it at around twenty times the speed of a cero blast.

Arrancar have more abilities than this, however, these are not applicable in this "new world" since it involves ripping through dimensional fabric to other worlds...which means they should have been able to escape by now XD;;; Somehow, this world took that skill away.

[edit] History

Ulquiorra Schiffer is an arrancar, which is a hollow, which in turn is a masked corrupt spirit with supernatural powers that devour the souls of deceased humans, only that it has removed its mask and gained shinigami powers. Few hollows have the potential to remove their masks normally, and even if they manage it the change is not significant. Sousuke Aizen is able to artificially create arrancar with the Orb of Distortion he stole from Soul Society, where life after death occurs. This Orb can also unlock much more of their potential than a natural transformation would. Ulquiorra is one of such Aizen-manufactured arrancars.

What makes Ulquiorra more special is his status in the Arrancar army; he is one of the Espada, the top eleven Arrancar soldiers in Aizen's army, ranking fourth in strength and given the title Cuatro Espada. As all Espada have their numbers tattooed onto their bodies, Ulquiorra's is situated on his chest, and can only be seen when he has no shirt.

In the current war against the Shinigami, Ulquiorra's job was to guard the recently kidnapped Orihime Inoue, since her powers were valuable to Aizen. He takes this job seriously, and while he himself may treat Orihime poorly, he will guard her loyally due to his orders.

[edit] Relationships

Under construction

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