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Character Name: Greed
Series: Fullmetal Alchemist
Gender: Male
The Item: His sunglasses
Journal: carboncopy_baby @ livejournal


Housing Unit A, NORMANDY; Apartment TWO


Greed, like his namesake, simply wants to possess everything in the world. Money, women, absolute power: he'll do anything to get it, even if it means resorting to underhanded methods. He doesn't have any wild schemes up his sleeve or any real homicidal tendencies like his brothers or his sisters do (though he does tend to get angry when it comes to protecting what's "his"), which...incidentally makes him the most well-liked and amicable Homunculus, seeing as he can actually interact with people on a basis that isn't wrapped up entirely in Dante's plans.

Powers and Abilities

Greed was the oldest Homunculus next to Envy, and the last to make an appearance in the anime. He proclaimed himself to be the "Ultimate Shield", as he was able to make himself impervious to harm by rearranging the bonds between the carbon atoms in his body to make his skin into an unnamed carbon substance, taking advantage of his carbon-based human body. He acquired the appearance of a black skinned demon when he hardened his skin, though he is usually seen in his concealed human form.


He was created by Dante through attempted human transmutation. Greed and Envy became bitter rivals afterwards. At some point, he disobeyed and betrayed Dante and the other Homunculi. Captured approximately 140 years before the start of the story, Greed was sealed away in Laboratory 5 by Envy and Dante. The seal that imprisoned Greed was maintained by the skull of the man Greed himself was created from.

Eventually, the skull was jarred loose by an explosion caused by Barry the Chopper in his attempt to escape from Al and Scar. The seal was further broken in a fight between Scar and Gluttony. Free, Greed attempted to re-establish himself as a rival power to Dante, fighting her over resources and subordinates. In order to protect himself against the overwhelming odds of Dante's six (though Greed may have thought it to be three) remaining sins, Greed recruited the chimera test subjects being held in the 5th Lab. He also tried to recruit Wrath as an ally, but failed when Dante secured him by manipulating the Amestris military. Greed then abducted Alphonse Elric so he could gain more knowledge on soul transmutation; he claimed he wanted to be immortal so that he could enjoy the fruits of his avarice.

The abduction occurred in front of Dante, who was held at knife-point by Greed's followers, who probably did not know who she was. Greed continued to operate with his followers until Kimblee betrayed them, handing over the skull previously used to imprison him to the State Military officer Frank Archer. With two of his closest friends (Loa and Dorchette) killed by Lust and Gluttony during his escape, and seeing his chances for freedom slipping away, Greed decided to wager all he had left and confront Dante. Dante, however, had made it appear that Lyra had killed her, stunning Greed long enough for Dante (now incarnated in Lyra) to activate a Flamel array to seal Greed away for good. Dante was in possession of Greed's remains besides the skull, which had their characteristic effect on Greed. Greed somehow gathered the strength to escape but he had already vomited out all the Red Stone's inside his body, further weakening him for the ensuing fight with Edward.

Knowing that the only possible outcome was to be captured and sealed once more, Greed chose instead to die fighting Edward, confiding in him the secret to defeating Homunculi.

Greed's history with Dante was revealed in the Fullmetal Alchemist OVA Reflections. In a narration-form conversation that Envy and Greed had in regards to their past with Dante, Envy revealed that Greed, in his human life, had been in love with her. Greed denied such a thing, having been purged of his human memories long ago, to which Envy responded with implications that Dante murdered Greed's human self and brought him back as a Homunculus for the sole purpose of testing her ability to create a homunculus and the effectiveness of her red stones. While Envy's own connections to Dante and his antagonistic relationship with Greed made him by no means a reliable source, Greed's fervent rejection of this idea reflects upon how true a story it must be. Envy added that this was the true reason why Greed rebelled against Dante and threw himself into personifying his own sin; subconsciously, he couldn't handle the fact of Dante's betrayal.

Upon hearing the story of his birth, Greed gave his side of the story: he claimed that he was not any human man but Greed, a homunculus, and that he betrayed Dante because he desired to live as his own master, and for no other reason. Greed's argument was feeble at best, his confidence was clearly wounded, but it did indicate that he had some validity. While the other homunculi, save Envy, sought to become human, Greed took great offense to the idea that he was the same as the human man Envy mentioned. While Greed's betrayal was obviously based in his love/hate relationship with Dante, he, in doing so, unraveled the source of her power over him, the promise to become human. In summary, Greed was trying to separate himself from the man that he once was, a man that was fooled and used by Dante.


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