Ichimaru Gin

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Character Name: Gin Ichimaru
Series: Bleach
Gender: Male
The Item: His zanpakutou, Shinsou
Journal: smiling_traitor @ livejournal


Housing Unit A, NORMANDY; Apartment TWO


Ichimaru Gin has a laid-back personality, though not much is known about him. He enjoys taking strolls and people watching, but you never really know what he�s thinking, especially with that large, eerie grin always present on his fox-like face. He�s not one to crumble under pressure, and even in the most dangerous of situations, his smile remains as he simply meanders about, as if he couldn�t care less about what is going on around him. He speaks kansai-ben, but is far more polite than the other captains and vice-captains that speak it. Due to his eerie grin and mysterious past, it is little wonder that he was barely trusted by anyone in Soul Society, and even though he smiles all the time, no one ever accepts it as him just being �happy�. It looks as though he always has something up his sleeve; he�s just waiting for the right moment.

Powers and Abilities

Unfortunately, all of Gin�s abilities haven�t been revealed. It�s known that his zanpakutou, Shinsou, can stretch to seemingly infinite lengths when Gin gives the order �Shoot to kill, Shinsou� (Ikorose, Shinso), but other than that, the manga and anime have not given much insight to his skills. Considering he was of Captain class before his betrayal, it can be assumed that he knows very high levels of kidou spells. He also can use Shunpo, a Shinigami�s version of moving to places at high speeds, looking like teleportation, but not quite the same thing. Gin�s bankai hasn�t been revealed yet, so I can�t really tell you what that skill is.


Ichimaru Gin lived in Rukongai when he was a child, having befriended Matsumoto Rangiku at that time. He saved her life by feeding her dried persimmons when she was dying of starvation, discovering that she was also a Shinigami since only spirits that have reiatsu can feel hunger. He and Rangiku went to the Shinigami Academy together, and upon graduating, went their separate ways. Gin became the vice-captain of the 5th Squad, under Sousuke Aizen, the Captain. Not much is known about what went on during that time while Gin was under Aizen�s command, but it is known that Aizen greatly trusted Gin, and that they had rescued Kira Izuru, Hinamori Momo, Hisagi Shuuhei and Abarai Renji from hundreds of Giant Hollow, taking out the monsters with ease. The fox-faced man later became the Captain of the 3rd Squad, taking Kira Izuru as his vice-captain. Rangiku, however, stayed the vice-captain of the 10th Squad.

Because of his constant smiling face and snake-like attributes, pretty much no one in Soul Society trusted him, except Rangiku and Aizen, and probably his vice-captain, Kira. It was little surprise that when Aizen was �murdered�, Gin was the first on everyone�s list to blame, considering he acted especially passive aggressive towards the 5th Squad Captain during his final days. Everything pointed towards Gin being the one to have murdered Aizen: The letter in Aizen�s writing being more than likely forged; Gin�s behaviour towards the man; everyone�s already deep mistrust of him; the way he never shows any emotion over anything�even Aizen�s death.

It�s not until Aizen reveals himself to have been behind it all that people realize that Gin was not the one to have murdered him. Gin was merely a tool, but also an ally in creating the whole mess. It turned out that Aizen didn�t even care for his current vice-captain, Hinamori Momo. In fact, the only man he ever could think to call �vice-captain� was Ichimaru Gin, showing how strong their bond was. For allying himself with Aizen, Gin was named a traitor, and he did not deny it. When Aizen ordered him to kill Rukia, he didn�t even hesitate or say no, taking the order and following it� Even though Kuchiki Byakuya, Rukia�s elder brother, stopped his attack.

Before leaving for Hueco Mundo, the world of the Hollow, Gin had told Rangiku that he was sorry, and it was not said in his usual �happy� face. He showed more of a sad smile, which has puzzled fans for quite a while. Just what are Gin�s true intentions?

In Hueco Mundo, not much is seen of Gin, other than being one of Aizen�s men and allies. He is not seen taking orders and spends most of his time goofing off and causing trouble. As Ulquiorra questions him for rearranging the hallways within the castle, Gin answers only with this: �I would never do something like that to those kids� Besides, I hate sad stories.�


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