
From Thes1project

Revision as of 14:27, 22 September 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)



Character Name: Dante Sparda
Series: Devil May Cry
Gender: Male
The Item: His sword, Rebellion
Journal: red-pizza-guy @ livejournal


Housing Unit A, NORMANDY; Apartment SIX


Dante is lazy, prefering one day work weeks, and lounging around, eating pizza, rather than taking on most jobs that he is presented with. His is cocky and arrogant, and taunts most people. He has terrible luck with gambling, but takes any bet that is made. He loves Pizza and Strawberry sundaes.

Powers and Abilities

Half-demon. Faster, stronger than normal humans. Has hightened reflexes. Can regenerate from some damage. Expert with pistols and swords.


Dante is on of the twin sons of the great demon knight Sparda, and the human woman Eva. After his father sacrificed himself to close the gate to the demon world, they were raised by their mother Eva, who was later killed in an attack by demons. This caused Dante to choose a life as a demon hunter. A year later, his brother Vergil attempted to open a portal to the demon world to gain back the power of Sparda that was sealed there. After defeating Arkham, Vergil was sealed in the demon world and Dante set up a mercenary/demon hunting buisness called "Devil May Cry".


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