Exodus 11

From Theologica

The Plague of Creeping Death (11:1 - 12:32) Foretelling the Death's of the Firstborn (11:1 - 11:10) Observation - 11:1 - God tells Moses of the last plague. - This plague will bring about the exodus of Israel - Israel will be completely driven out of Egypt. 11:2 - Moses is to tell the people (Isreal) to ask their Egyptian neighbors for articles of gold and silver 11:3 - God grants Israel favor in the sight of the Egyptians. - Moses also was greatly esteemed by the Egyptians and Pharaoh's servants 11:4 - Moses, speaking to Pharaoh tells him what is about to happen. - God will go through Egypt at midnight 11:5 - All of the firstborn in the land will die. - No firstborn will be spared; from Pharaoh to the slave. - The firstborn of the cattle also shall die. 11:6 - There will be a great cry throughout the land. - There has never been a cry as such, nor will there ever be one like it. 11:7 - Israel will not be harmed. - A dog will not even bark. Is this a figure of speech or a literal fact? - Not even against Israel's cattle. - Why? so that Pharoah may finally understand that the Lord makes a distinction between Israel and Egypt. 11:8 - All of Egypt (at least Pharaoh's servants) will go to Moses and bow down and tell Him and all of Israel to leave. - Only after that will Moses leave. - Moses leaves Pharaoh's presence forever. - He does so in great anger 11:9 - God tells Moses that Pharaoh will not listen to him. - Pharaoh does not listen so that God's wonders will be multiplied in the land of Egypt. - I wonder if that really means magnified 11:10 - Moses and Aaron performed "all these wonders before Pharaoh" - What wonders? - Presumable this is a sort of summation and refers to the first nine plagues - The summation here makes sense because it is the next plague which will bring about Israel's freedom - In spite of the wonders performed Pharaoh's heart was hardened (by God) and he did not let the Hebrews go.

Interpretation - - Aren't all the Cattle already dead? - This passage takes place probably after Pharaoh tells Moses he cannot take the cattle in v 10:27 - This passage is about distinctions

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