AGM-172 Shadow

From Themarshallwiki

The AGM-172 Shadow came out of an early 1990's joint services project to replace the Llama Cruise Missile. The original aim was to rebuild the Llama with better guidance systems, and more efficient engines to give increases in range and accuracy. The Air Force disagreed, and advised the government that it needed its own cruise missile. The design of this missile would be unemcumbered by the restrictions of having to fit into a torpedo tube, or a VLS cell. This would give a conventional missile with much greater punch, and would result in a missile with longer range. The government approved, and development began.


Technical Characteristics

The AGM-172 Shadow is the most technologically advanced cruise missile in the world. It has the ability to attack multiple targets, take evasive action, be retargetted in flight, send back intelligence, and evade enemy defences.

The airframe is a lifting body with four small all-moving wings near the tail, and four canards near the nose. These combined with thrust-vectoring give the missile exceptional agility. The lifting body is conceptually similar to the X-24B, with a flat bottom.

The AGM-172 is powered by a ramjet, giving a maximum speed of Mach 3. The missile has a range of 3000km. To get the missile to launch speed, a conformal rocket booster is used. Before firing the booster covers the ranjet exhaust. It is jettisoned, just before the ramjet ignites.

The missile has ECM, and countermeasures dispensers. The threat warning receiver detects threats, and the onboard computer directs the response.

The guidance packages are based on those of the MCL, particularly the Land Attack Mark 3 guidance system.

The missile can be carried by strategic bombers on a six round rotary launcher, or externally. The A-14 Vudu carries two internally, and two externally.



This is the basic nuclear land attack version, and has an extended range of 3500km due to an enlarged fuel tank.


This version carries a 3000lb demolition warhead.


The AGM-172C has a 2000lb blast penetration warhead.


The AGM-172D is the definitive Shadow. It has an advanced Multi-Target Attack Warhead System. It consists of three weapons bays, and a 300lb blast penetration warhead. The bays each have 36 launch tubes that carry a variety of submunitions. The submunitions are as follows:


The APAM (Anti-Personnel Anti-Material) is a 500g blast/fragmentation grenade. Four can be carried per launch tube giving a total of 144 per bay.


The EFP (Explosively Formed Penetrator) is an anti tank bomblet 1kg. It has a parachute which also controls the direction of descent, and an infrared sensor intended to find the engine bay of a tank or truck. The IR sensor is extremely sensitive. If the bomblet hits the ground without finding a target, it becomes an anti tank mine, and explodes after four hours (if not distrubed beforehand). Two per tube can be carried, giving a total of 72 per bay.


The ATM is an anti-tank mine. It weights 700g, and will explode after impacxt if disturbed, or left undisturbed for 24 hours. 3 per tube can be carried giving a total of 108 per bay.


The ADM is an area denial mine. It weighs 700g and has a blast warhead. It has the same detonator as the ATM, and is intended to attack airfields. 3 per tube can be carried giving a total of 108 per bay.


The RCM weighs 2kg and is designed to crater runways. 1 per tube can be carried for 36 in total.


The Hard Target Penetrator Munition is a variant of the RCM. It weighs 3kg, and adds a small rocket motor to allow it to drill into hardened aircraft shelters.

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