Llama Cruise Missile

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In 2003, a completely new guidance system was introduced. New TERCOM, DSMAC, and GPS units retain tactical commonality with previous missiles, and the Mark 3 adds datalinks, and an EO/IR camera to enable the missile to send back live imagery. Commands can be sent to the missile directing it on to another target, or to a harmless impact point. This version cannot be used with a nuclear warhead as it lacks the ability to detonate the warhead in the air. This is because it has a man in the loop guidance system, which has the possibility (extremely remote) of the missile being hacked in flight. The Latin American Armed Forces considers this an intolerable risk to take with nuclear weapons.  
In 2003, a completely new guidance system was introduced. New TERCOM, DSMAC, and GPS units retain tactical commonality with previous missiles, and the Mark 3 adds datalinks, and an EO/IR camera to enable the missile to send back live imagery. Commands can be sent to the missile directing it on to another target, or to a harmless impact point. This version cannot be used with a nuclear warhead as it lacks the ability to detonate the warhead in the air. This is because it has a man in the loop guidance system, which has the possibility (extremely remote) of the missile being hacked in flight. The Latin American Armed Forces considers this an intolerable risk to take with nuclear weapons.  
*[[Latin_America_and_Weapons_of_Mass_Destruction|Type 9 Thermonuclear Warhead]]
*[[Latin_America_and_Weapons_of_Mass_Destruction|Type 9 Thermonuclear Warhead]]
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The submunitions warhead deploys its submunitions on command from the guidance system, using different linkages and software (to allow for multiple timed released at controlled rates) to the nuclear detonation system. The submunitions are BLU-97/B Combined Effects Bombs.
The submunitions warhead deploys its submunitions on command from the guidance system, using different linkages and software (to allow for multiple timed released at controlled rates) to the nuclear detonation system. The submunitions are BLU-97/B Combined Effects Bombs.
The unitary warhead can be detonated on impact, or by the guidance system for an air burst. A third set of linkages and software are used for this.
The unitary warhead can be detonated on impact, or by the guidance system for an air burst. A third set of linkages and software are used for this. It also contains a copy of the Exocet's fuse for anti shipping missions.
Although the detonation systems may seem complex, the Latin American Armed Forces considers this necessary for the sake of nuclear safety and security.  
Although the detonation systems may seem complex, the Latin American Armed Forces considers this necessary for the sake of nuclear safety and security.  

Revision as of 12:08, 9 June 2008

The Llama Cruise Missile (Spanish: Misil de Crucero Lama) is a long range cruise missile which canbe fired from a variety of platforms. It comes in three basic versions, the basic air launched version, a surface launched version, and a submarine launched version. It is used by the Latin American Air Force and Navy.



Development of the MCL started in 1975 when the FAEC issued a requirement for a cruise missile with a range of approximately 2500km with a nuclear warhead, a CEP of 200m, a speed of over 500 mph, low radar cross section, and a launch weight of less than 3000lbs. The Navy had a similar requirement for a common cruise missile for launch from long range aircraft, submarines, and battleships with conventional and nuclear warheads. In 1976, the requirements were combined into a single requirement.

The MCL is produced by ENAER in Chile.

Common Characteristics

The MCL appears as an 18ft long tube with wings, and a folding triple tail. The missile is powered by a small turbofan engine fed by a folding intake. The missile is controlled by three fins, which fold flush with the fuselage before launch. The rear of the missile is devoted to engine, and control surfaces. The centre of the missile contains fuel, and houses the wings, which are folded before launch. The wing is a one-piece straight wing, which folds 90o after launch. It contains the missile's ailerons. The nose of the missile houses the warhead and guidance section. These can be detached quickly to convert the missile for a variety of missions.

Guidance System

Land Attack Mark 1

The first land attack guidance system was a TAINS (Tercom aided intertial guidance system) with DSMAC used on the approach to the target. The system has a back up, using simple inertial guidance, and a small terrain following radar to keep the missile at a low height over the ground. If the TFR fails, the missile climbs to 500ft and uses inertial guidance.

Anti Ship

The anti-ship guidance system is taken directly from the Exocet anti-ship missile. The guidance section is designed to take upgrades as they are integrated into the Exocet system.

Land Attack Mark 2

This is essentially the same as the Mark 1, but adds a GPS receiver. It was introduced in 1990.

Land Attack Mark 3

In 2003, a completely new guidance system was introduced. New TERCOM, DSMAC, and GPS units retain tactical commonality with previous missiles, and the Mark 3 adds datalinks, and an EO/IR camera to enable the missile to send back live imagery. Commands can be sent to the missile directing it on to another target, or to a harmless impact point. This version cannot be used with a nuclear warhead as it lacks the ability to detonate the warhead in the air. This is because it has a man in the loop guidance system, which has the possibility (extremely remote) of the missile being hacked in flight. The Latin American Armed Forces considers this an intolerable risk to take with nuclear weapons.


The thermonuclear warhead is armed on the ground, and detonated by a command from the missile's guidance system when it is at the desired detonation point. The warhead cannot explode on impact (as it lacks any sort of impact fusing, and safe against impact). Only the Land Attack Mark 1 and Mark 2 guidance systems contain the necessary software, and wiring to detonate a nuclear warhead.

The submunitions warhead deploys its submunitions on command from the guidance system, using different linkages and software (to allow for multiple timed released at controlled rates) to the nuclear detonation system. The submunitions are BLU-97/B Combined Effects Bombs.

The unitary warhead can be detonated on impact, or by the guidance system for an air burst. A third set of linkages and software are used for this. It also contains a copy of the Exocet's fuse for anti shipping missions.

Although the detonation systems may seem complex, the Latin American Armed Forces considers this necessary for the sake of nuclear safety and security.


Air launched


Surface launched


Submarine launched

Confederate States of Latin America
General: Confederate States of Latin America, Economy of the ECAL, Justice and Law in the ECAL, President Michelle Bachelet, Presidency
Political: Partido Republicano Constitucional, Partido Laborista Socialista, Partido de la Democracia Cristiana
Military: Fuerzas Armadas, Armada, Ejercito, Fuerza Aerea, Infanteria de Marina, Guardia Nacional
Military Aircraft: FMA SAIAL 90, A-4AL Fightinghawk
Armoured Vehicles: TLAM Medium Tank, TLAP Main Battle Tank
Warships: Ship Profiles, Ardiente and Valeroso class destoyers
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