Wikihood/Ep 13
From The Wikihood
[edit] Transcript
C:\\: Engh... DIE!
{C:\\ gets shocked.}
STRONG SADER: Um... Jib? {Holds up a sign saying; "What the heck is going on?".}
THE 386: No. It's the 13th episode. Gonna be unlucky.
STRONG SADER: Oh, please! There's no such thing as bad luck!
{Strong Sader gets crushed by a Heavy Lourde. He passes though it.}
STRONG SADER: Lucky I'm already dead.
ERIC: {Enter onscreen, as big as on last episode, only his feet are visible} Hey guys.
STRONG SADER: Is that a stick of dynamite?
{Pan down to see that Eric is standing next to a stick of dynamite.}
ERIC: Looks like one, but thank goodness its not triggered.
{Strong Sader splits in two. An ordinary half, and a dark half.}
DARK SADER: Mwhahaha! I'm finally free! {Runs off}
STRONG SADER: Oh no! My evil side is on the loose! Years ago, I tried to duplicate myself, but my evil side was split off. Knowing that he would do evil stuff, I fused him back into myself, but the bad luck of 13 has given him the power to separate again!
ERIC: Okay okay, whatever. I'm giant, I'll get him. {Squishes Dark Sader, but he gets off} Crap, I forgot he was a ghost.
STRONG SADER: Leave him. No one can stop him at the moment, but soon he will strike, and only when he does he will be vulnerable.
ERIC: Whatever. I'm bored. What does giants do?
STRONG SADER: Um... Eat peasants?
THE 386: No, they burninate them, like Trogdor.
{Cut to Strong Sader's rotting corpse. It's left leg has gone, and there is a gun shot wound in its stomach. (Both of which are attributable to The 386.) A dark figure slips inside it. It rises and smiles demonically. In an instant, The 386 slaps the evil soul.}
{The words: PLOT HOLE'D! appear. The 386 promptly vanishes.}
{The words: PLOT HOLE'D! appear. The thing promptly vanishes.}
ERIC: Okay, I'll be somewhere else to explore this virtual world. {His feet are visible walking away}
{The thing comes bach from the roof?!?}
THE THING: What did I miss?
{The Thing lands on the stick of dynamite and it explodes}
THE THING: {In a hurting voise} That hurt.
{The thing falls down as stiff as a board}
Ebil: Sup? I'm here to defeat you for a prompt amount of time until the end of the episode.
X-BOT: {insane/malfunctioning/monotonous} I-I-I CA-CAN'T LET YOU DO-DO-DO-DO- THIS, RETARD.
{X-Bot explodes. Ebil is gone. Count X teleports onscreen.}
COUNT X: Oh crap! He had my lightsabers!
{Two red lightsaber turn on, then pan down to Count X's hands. X-Bot reappears onscreen, still insane, malfunctioning and with a monotonous voice.}
CX: Bye-bye!
{Count X disappears.}
X-BOT: I can-can-can-can-
{X-Bot starts to dig a hole, pan out to see that everyone is in Strongbadia. Strong Bad walks along the screen}
SB: At least someone watched "2 years."
{An explosion comes from the hole. Homestar flys out of the hole.}
BLACKBOT: Hey, watch where you're going. Moron.
{BlackBot falls in the hole, but is thrown out.}
{Dark Sader, now in Strong Sader's old body, walks up. Many bits of his body are mechanised, to combat the body's decay. He draws his arm, which now has a rocket launcher merged into it.}
DARK SADER: Die morons!
{Fires. The missile misses them completely, but blows up X-Bot.}
STRONG SADER: Oh my god! You killed X-Bot! You {Bleep}!
THE THING: It hit me too! {The thing dies}
STRONG SADER: Oh my god! They killed The Thing as well! You {Bleep}!
THE THING'S GHOST: How could you do this you {Bleep}!
STRONG SADER: You {Bleeping} {Bleeper}! I'm gonna {Bleep} you good!
ERIC: {Not offscreen, but nowhere to be seen} Hey guys!
THE 386: What the {bleep} is going on here?
ERIC: I'm here! {Zoom 50 times to see that Eric is very small and on The 386's head}
THE 386: You're okay. But hold on to me, Eric.
ERIC: Okay, it's like I found some sort of new dimension and got small. Have you seen The Code?
{An orange and a red The Cheat (Gilbert and The Code) Walk up. They are talking.}
GILBERT: ...So then I said: "Drinks cost £2.99".
{The Code laughs.}
ERIC: Hey The Code!
THE CODE: Huh? Where are you?
ERIC: I'm here! {Zoom again}
{Eric jumps on The Code}
GILBERT: Hey, you wanna get some ice cream?
STRONG SADER: Yeah, I'm down.
ERIC: So I think we're ready to go.
{Cut to Marshmallow's last Ice cream.}
STRONG SADER: I'll have a double strawberry spectral cone, and what'll it be for you guys?
ERIC: A super small chocolate ice cream please.
GILBERT: I'll have a Pistachio double. What do you want Code?
THE CODE: Hmm... a vannila one.
COUNTER GUY: Here you go! {Gets shot by some sort of machine gun.}
DARK SADER: I shall kill you!
THE THING'S GHOST: I shall kill YOU!
{The thing's ghost kills Dark sader.}
DARK SADER: Ha ha ha! Foolish creature! I'm already dead!
{Dark Sader rips a hole in the earth. The Thing falls into Hell. The crack closes.}
THE CODE: At least I didnt paid for my ice cream. So what we gonna do now?
{Strong Sader leaps into his body. The body jerks violently. Both sprits inside screem in unison.}
THE THING: Huh? I'm alive!
{Strong Sader's body falls on him, and pushes him into the ground.}
THE CODE: And it's all happening on an ice cream shop. Huh? Where's Eric?
{Cut to a empty red place with fire, then zoom in to see that Eric is there}
ERIC: Aw, nuts.
{Cut back to the ice cream shop}
STRONG SADER: {Begins to glow} {In pain} GO! NOW!
GILBERT: Lets go!
{Drags The Code out of the store.}
{Cut to outside. The Ice Cream place explodes.}
THE CODE: There was no need to drag me.
{Cut back to hell, Satan is there}
SATAN: Okay, I sense a new person here, but I can't see him or her or it.
ERIC: Right here! {Zoom again}
SATAN: {Offscreen due to zooming} Oh.
{Cut back to the street}
THE CODE: I really wonder where Eric is.
{The two run into the exploded Ice Cream place. Strong Sader's remains are splatered on the walls.}
STRONG SADER: {Rises from the wood.} Dark Sader tried to leave in mid-battle, the result caused an explosion. E's still out theree though.
THE CODE: Huh? Who is E?
STRONG SADER: He is... {A hole to Hell opens below him.} Dark Sader's new naaaaaaaaaammmmmm......
GILBERT: Whoa! 13 strikes again!
ERIC: Hey guys.
THE CODE: Huh? Where are you?
ERIC: On you, again. I was down the hell right when Satan came and found out that it wasn't my time yet. So he throwed me back here.
THE CODE: Wow. And how are we going to save Strong Sader?
GILBERT: I know! We go to Heaven, and convince God that he deserves to be reincarnated!
ERIC: And how do we get there?
STRONG SADER: Get where?
{The thing appears in Hell.}
{Cut back to the field}
ERIC: Wah! How'd you got outta there?
STRONG SADER: Satan sent me back. He said that he was trying to get The Thing, but the unluckyness of 13 made him miss.
ERIC: Great. Now we have two problems: First, how can we save The Thing? Second, how can I get big again?
{Half way through the credits the record scratches. Strong Sader appears.}
STRONG SADER: You call that an end of series cliffhanger!? That sucked!
COUNT X: I wanted to die!
'{"THE END!" Appears.}