Wikihood 2/eps/XIII

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[edit] Synopsis

Noxi creates his own episode, which is full of absolute randomness. This is the result.

[edit] Transcript

{Opening credits}

{Cut to Noxigar in the Legion of Evil's lair. He obviously has his own room. He is carrying a grocery list as well as some bags.} {OOC: This is what happens when Strong Sader does not legitimize da papers.- Noxi}

NOXIGAR: Well, let's see here... got Darlon his coffee decaffed, Dark Sader's got himself some McDonald's in the bag, as well as all the milk, and I got Digorino's pizza. {Pan to a clock which says 7:50} Oh my crap! I'll be late for my appointment!

{Noxigar portals himself to a restaurant. Seeing Etna and ApocalypX at a table, Noxigar hurriedly rushes towards them. He sits down.}

NOXIGAR: So, Apoc. I hear your girlfriend Etna would like to join Organization XIII. Is this true?

APOC: Look, Clan. I will not sit here and let you take my wife-to-be. We're engaged, and I can't believe I'm saying this, she's expecting.

NOXIGAR: Oh. I'm not tolerant of being called what was my imbecilic robot. And you should've told me when you guys did it. I could've been a possible uncle of the child.

{Noxigar walks offscreen to dress up as a waiter. Apoc proceeds to punch a wall. It crumbles down.}

ETNA: Penny for your thoughts?

APOC: 50 bill.

{Noxigar pops back, dressed like a waiter.}

NOXIGAR: It's a-me, the waiter-a! Which-a one of you guys ordered a smack in the face-a?

{A Butterfree with the nametag, "E-123 Omega" appears behind Noxigar. "OOC: Butterfree > Mewtwo. Mewtwo is so overrated I could puke. - Noxi." Homestar walks onscreen.}

HOMESTAR: A what in the face?

{Apoc punches Homestar in the face.}

APOC: Close enough.

NOXIGAR: Argh, do I have to talk to Lord X about joining Organization XIII? Apoc, no offense, but you're about as much fun as dropping the soap in a prison cell. {Noxigar then points to the Butterfree} Omega, I'd like, if I may, to leave you in charge of Sleep Powdering everyone 'cept Etna. Here are some documents informative on Organization XIII. {Noxigar appears to hug Etna, but is actually trying to give her some documents aobut Organization XIII} See you later, Etna!

{Noxigar teleports to Lord X's mansion. "OOC: Lord X is Apoc's father, correct?" Cut to his mansion.}

LORD X: HOLY CRAP I HAVE A MANSION!!! I mean, welcome Noxigar.

NOXIGAR: I was just wondering if you'd like to join Organization XIII. And, you're gonna be disappointed because Apoc and Etna are engaged, and Apoc got it on with Etna. I put Apoc to sleep a la Butterfree's Sleep Powder, which is 100% effective. {OOC: Butterfree has the Compundeyes Ability} No problem, I hopefully persuaded Etna to join Organization XIII. Here's some papers. {Noxigar gives Lord X some Organization XIII documents and a handbook.} I presume you don't like Butterfrees? Well, I caught up with Apoc in a restaurant. He's sound asleep to my knowledge. However, if you wish to contact him, so be it.

NOXIGAR: Also, NWORB ENAJ YESLEK. What it does, you ask? It's a spell turning the situation to my favor. ^_^ {OOC: Do NOT ask. Seriously.}

LORD X: {Inquisitively} Kelsey Jane Brown?

NOXIGAR: Why the Hades do people keep confusing that for my spell?! Grr... don't break any fourth walls.

ETNA: Noxigar.

{Etna throws the papers at Noxigar.}

ETNA: Fail.

{Etna stomps out the mansion. Noxigar sighs.}

NOXIGAR: I'm guessing Xigbar flirted with too many ladies before he died.

{Cut back to the restaurant. Apoc is still in the same spot as he was before, the sleep power is around him, but he never fell asleep.}

APOC: Nuts to this.

{Apoc punches the Butterfree, and leaves for the rest of the episode.}

{Noxigar summons the End credits}

IX1X7a Thanks, useful material I added your blog to my bookmarks!...

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