Wikihood 2/eps/alt

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Revision as of 19:29, 6 August 2008 by Strong Sader (Talk | contribs)
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Rules/Differences from regular Wikihood

  • There is not plot/man. (Burnt at the stake)
  • There is no Settingdude (killed under garbage truck).
  • The users are extra wacky.
  • The Homestar characters are serious.
  • It is completely seperate from regular Wikihood in terms of membership.
  • If you are playing your regular Wikihood characters in here, call THEM the alternates.
  • There is no Etna, or any other character Apoc introduced.

If anyone is inconsistant with the Non-Canon alternate world, their segment can be deleted by the Mods (All the mods in regular Wikihood)


{Zoom in on Vanhock, in a cannon.}

VANHOCK: 5...4...3...2...1...BLASTOFF!

{Vanhock is blasted out of the cannon. The smoke spells out "Non-Canon Cannon"}

CHWOKA: {off-screen} That is one snazzy title card.

{Zoom out. Chwoka and Strong Sader are watching a DVD on a widescreen in the field on a couch that covers the stick. Homestar comes in with a police outfit}

HOMESTAR: Do you have a license to publicly watch a DVD?

CHWOKA: Who needs a license to watch DVDs?

HOMESTAR: You're also vandalizing public property.


HOMESTAR: You're crushing the stick.

{Coach Z pulls up and parks}

HOMESTAR: Hey! You can't park here.

{Homestar writes a ticket}

COACH Z: Oh no... I'm really gonna hear from my insurance this time...

{Regular Chwoka (called Alernate in this dimention) comes in in a modified DeLorean.}

CHWOKA: What are you doing here?

ALT CHWOKA: You visit our dimention, we visit yours.

EKUL: And you DIE!

{Ekul jumps in and fires a machine gun at Alt Chwoka's head.}

CHWOKA: You...just killed off YOUR Chwoka.

EKUL: ...No I didn't. I'm the crazy one. Remember?

{Ekul punches Chwoka}

EKUL: Friggin'... misunderstanding...

CHWOKA: Sorry, sir. Anyway, where's Altkul?

ALT CHWOKA: Who? Look, all I know is that Vanhock has to go visit Nived on his pirate ship in our episode 21 for a seminar.

VANHOCK: But why? Nived and all the replacements couldn't have-

{Ekul falls ill.}


VANHOCK: Nived and all the replacements JUST fell sick and can't teach at the community center?

ALT CHWOKA: Oh, and wear these sunglasses. {hands Vanhock some sunglasses, and goes back to his own dimention.}

NIVED: Tremble in fear, all!

{Pan over to a gigantic tank}

NIVED: With my new EVIL tank, I shall destroy all life in a 20 mile radius! {Laughs maniacally}

VANHOCK: Well, uh, bye! {Jumps in the Time/Space DeLorean and leaves to get Ekul from some episode.}

CHWOKA: Hey, aren't you sick?

NIVED: Sick? HAH! I can never be sick! I'm INVINCIBLE! {Laughs maniacally}

DARLON: Did The Cheat lie again?

EKUL: Lying is wrong! Time to teach him a lesson!

{Ekul runs off with a blowtorch}

CHWOKA: Um, dude, so basically the alternate me just sent Vanhock to do something that was completely unnecessary?

NIVED: Everything is unnecessarry! For I shall soon rule the whole UNIVERSE!

{Darlon smashes a brick over Nived's head, knocking him out.}

DARLON: Nobody messes up MY universe.

NIVED: {Passing out} I thought... you were... my friend... {Laughs maniacally, but in dimishing volume}

DARLON: Did you spend too much time in the alternate dimension where I AM, evil doer?

{Nived blows ALT Noxigar off the face of the planet}

{ALT Noxigar transforms into Hyper ALT Noxigar a la the 7 Chaos Emeralds.}

HYPER ALT NOXIGAR: Pathetic. You don't know about the Chaos Emeralds, Nived. Well, this be your demise.

{Hyper Alt Noxigar unleashes a Hyper Beam headed towards Nived.}

HYPER ALT NOXIGAR: How I got here? By portalizing to this dimension!

CHWOKA: That's not even a word. (OOC: Here, I have powers of a mod. Stop using the Chaos Diamods or whatever. They are Dues Ex Machinas and make it no fun to play.)

HYPER ALT NOXIGAR: Arrgh, your commenting poorly prevents my Chaos Emeralds from working. Oh well. I guess I'll recharge them in Hidden Palace Zone (in the present) as soon as I finish you off, Chwoka and Nived. The penalty for your time paradoxes is your lives! {Alt Noxigar reverts to normal and kicks Nived in the nuts.}

ALT NOXIGAR: These Chaos Emeralds are acting peculiar. They seem to be very low on power. I guess that's what happens when you use them too often.

NIVED: Fool! You fail to realise the fact that... YOUR DOOM IS IMMENENT!

{Nived uses antimatter Chaos Emeralds and the explode and kill Alt Noxigar.}

{Alt Noxigar regenerates because of the Non-canon effect. Vanhock appears in the modified DeLorean with Ekul, Nived, and Darlon, hitting Alt Noxigar, sending him into the desolate future Darlon made. Alt Noxigar exits as he portalizes to Episode 10 (Alternate Version).}

STRONG BAD: What happened to the stick? Oh, wait until I get to court about this, this is vandalizing of public property!

{Vanhock climbs out of the DeLorean}

VANHOCK: Ok, guys. I got Ekul, Nived, and Darlon!

PAST ALTKUL: So this is the alternate universe. Hey, it's Strong Bad.

STRONG BAD: Oh brother. Not you again. LEAVE ME ALONE!

{Strong Bad runs off. Ekul pops in}

EKUL: I put a fire extinguisher in his bed.

PAST ALTKUL: Uh, aren't you in the future regular timeline?

EKUL: Oh, I'm still there, but I came back into the past of this world.

VANHOCK:'re not sick! And I bet Nived and Darlon aren't either!

{Cut to Darlon, sipping Chicken Noodle Soup.}

DARLON: {sniffs.} I feel horrible...

{cut back.}

NIVED: Well, I guess it's time to RULE THE WORLD! MUHUHAHAHAH!

ALT NIVED: That guy is manic.

CHWOKA: Mansion, perhaps? So, anyway, um...Oh! Vanhock! You need to tip my alternate off and give him the sunglasses!

VANHOCK: Oh, right! {flies off without the Alternates.}

ALT DARLON: But what about us?

CHWOKA: You can teach about time travel with the others.

{Alt Noxigar arrives.}

ALT NOXIGAR: Well, I did everything on my agenda. See you guys in Episodes 22 and 23!

{Alt Noxigar leaves.}

ALT NIVED: Whatever. Now anyway, I wrote a paper back in Future World Conquerors Tech about Temporal Mechanics. I can do it.

PAST ALTKUL: Uh, I built at least two time machines in my spare "time".

{Both Altkul and Ekul burst out laughing.}

PAST ALTKUL: Heh. Normally I'm rather controlled, but bad puns always get me.

VANHOCK: Anyway, the seminar is...NOW! {background drops infront of all except for Ekul and Nived (and their alts) and Alt Darlon.}

ALT DARLON: Am I the only one without a mirror? So, um, we're talking about Time TRavel and its practical functions. Like ruling the world.

ALT NIVED: As my colleague and boss pointed out, it can be used for world domination. However, screw something up, and there won't be a world worth conquering. We're here to help you not make that screwup.

PAST ALTKUL: ...or if you want to be a traveler or good guy, you could also try to save the past from being corrupted. The first thing you'll learn about it is the TTI or Time Traveler immunity. Basically, under this theory, time travelers are not affected by their changes in the past, thus circumventing paradoxes.

ALT DARLON: You can also make things out of nothing. Take, for example, Vanhock's sunglasses. {draws sunglasses on the board. He draws Chwoka and Vanhock on both sides} Chwoka gave the sunglasses to Vanhock. {He draws a arrow from Chwoka to Vanhock.} Vanhock went back in time and gave him the sunglasses. {draws a arrow from Vanhock to Chwoka.} Where did the sunglasses, come from, class?



ALT DARLON: Both are acceptable. I will now pass the mic onto Nived.

ALT NIVED: However, the Sunglasses may have come from somewhere, as that is essentially a paradox, which as we know, can't exist. The answer is that the sunglasses was an invincible object that came into the timeframe by an unexplained means. Otherwise, they would wear out immediately due to age. Ekul?

PAST ALTKUL: Next is the Dimensional Split. Each time you travel back or forward in time, you split it. When time is changed, it does not get destroyed, only cast into the Lost Timeline Dimension. It is impossible to reach reality from there unless you came from reality in the first place. Darlon?

{Darlon erases the board.}

ALT DARLON: No, thanks. Pass it on to this dimension's Nived or Ekul. I gotta draw that thing from Back to the Future part 2.

PAST ALTKUL: Onto things like time cloning, or the practice of going back in time or forward in time and meeting yourself. A man named bob does this. When Bob does this, Bob will not suddenly remember, contrary to popular belief, meeting himself. However, if in the new timeline, the new Bob goes back in time too, he WILL remember. If he time travels the exact same way and at the same time, he will replace the old timeline's Bob. If not, he will be duplicated again.

CLASSMATE: When you travel into the future, why is there you there? Why is he not gone since he time traveled and possibly never went back in time?

ALT NIVED: Ah, the reserved timeline postulate, eh? Well actually, you do see the future without you, but then when you go back, the instant you leave, that you is replaced by you back when you started and the new future with you has always existed since the timeline knows you go back. Confusing, but best not to think about it and just accept it for plot purposes.

CLASSMATE: Why does the same thing not happen when you are in the past and going into the future?

ALT NIVED: Er... I'm not sure. Like I said, just accept it.

CLASSMATE: What happens when you time travel directly into an object like a tree?

EKUL: You and the tree switch places. That means that the tree will suddenly appear where the time machine left. Weird, huh?

ALT DARLON: Done! This is a primitive timeline. Say your home is the year 1985. You go back into 1955, make a few changes, and go back. {draws the new timeline up to the end of said timeline} When you go back, you will "jump" the time wave and go into the new, altered, timeline, however, you will not be affected, and there is a possibility that there might be another you if in the altered timeline, you never time traveled. Would THIS dimension's Nived care to elaboarate?

{Alt Noxigar arrives.}

ALT NOXIGAR: Well, my restoration of Darlon's memory seems to work. And I'm curious as to how changing a timewave to your advantage would be useful if you find it fun to put on a Burger King mask and have things your way.

NIVED: Usually, the other you will have already gone into the past and done the damage {snickers evilly} or is about to unless the "damage" causes them to not go back in time, in which case... "Houston, we have a timeclone."

ALT NOXIGAR: I am all of me, you idiot. I'm in an alternate form to try and assist in fixing time, not wrecking it. How exactly would I damage time?

NIVED: Time is not meant to be tampered with. Any incursion is damage. And damage is evil, so all time travel is evil.

ALT DARLON: Of cource, we're evil, so we don't care.

ALT NOXIGAR: Aww, it's just a jump to the left. And a step to the right. NOW PUT YOUR HANDS ON YOUR HIP AND SQUEEZE YOUR KNEES IN TIGHT! LET'S DO THE TIME WARP!

{Alt Darlon shoves Alt Noxigar back in the portal face-first.}

ALT DARLON: Here's a novel idea: SHUT THE CRAP UP.




ALT DARLON: Ummm... o_O ...Antyway, class, I think it's the crazy Nived's turn to talk about time travel. Drat...

{Alt Noxigar reappears}

ALT NOXIGAR: I deleted the core program of this simulation. Now the virus can suffer.

NIVED: Now, there's a way to cause someone to be supercharged by time traveling. The person must be able to time travel without a machine. I think Noxigar can. Please stand still

{Nived shoots a regular scrambler at Noxigar. He is scrambled in time, some parts are babyish, some parts are elderly.}

NIVED: Oops. I looked at the cue card wrong. It said scrambled, not supercharged. Sorry about that. Wait, I'm not sorry. I'll never be sorry! MUAHAHAHAHAH!

{Alt Noxigar fixes himself by transforming to Normal Form and back to Alternate Form.}

ALT NOXIGAR: The core program is deleted. The virus ceases to exist. It never did thanks to my timewave. I've also regained logic.


ALT NOXIGAR: What "sense" and how "ambiguous"?

ALTKUL: What I believe he's trying to say... is that he doesn't know what you're talking about because of ambiguity.

ALT NOXIGAR: I thought we were supposed to be extra wacky! Doesn't this fool know that?

ALTKUL: Uh, "We"? You're alt, like me, meaning you're from the other world. So it would be they. I, for example am from the other world.

{If you are playing your regular Wikihood characters in here, call THEM the alternates.)

ALTKUL: Hm! The gap between Alt world and Regular world is closing! I think something bad happened!


{An interdimensional portal forms and begins to collapse. Alt Darlon and Alt Nived fall through before it collapses. Altkul does not make it}

ALTKUL: Oh great.

{Homestar walks up.}

HOMESTAR: Excuse me sir or madam. Would you like a temporary place to stay? These wierdos can be... roudy.

ALTKUL: I suppose...

STRONG SADER: {Posh English accent} Oh hello, chaps! I've just been on an adventure to succure my British nature! I've also watched a complete marathon of Stargate SG-1, so my brain is falling apart. Prey explain the situation.

ALTKUL: Well, I got trapped here since there's no way to get between the two dimensions. I've been trying to get back to the regular one. Other than that, you're the same blundering careless guy you've always been.

{Jerxie's cloud form breaks through the fabric of reality and approaches Altkul.}

JERXIE: The one of black garbs and blue feathers... You are MINE!

ALTKUL: Oh yeah!? Well YOU are complete moron! Hah! So stupid looking in fact, you don't even follow the rules! I got news for you: NEITHER DO I!

EKUL: Uh, how do you plan to beat this guy?

ALTKUL: Like this!

{Suddenly Altkul jumps at Ekul and covers then in Homestar Runner characters. Altkul also grabs Ekul's arm and does something not mentioned for fear that it will be intercepted by a third party who magically knew what was going on.}

JERXIE: Have it your way. {Fires a bolt of corruption energy and glitches Ekul (The alternate one from the real world perspective)}

EKUL: Sorxy yurr vkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk... WHEEEEE!!

{Ekul looks very pixelly and floats in midair rambling barely coherant things in an annoying staticky voice.}

STRONG SADER: Oh, dashed unsporting! {Generates an electro-magnetic barrier around Altkul, Jerxie is unable to penitrait it.}

ALTKUL: Thanks... Hrrr...

{Altkul suddenly starts to glow.}

ALKUL: Hgt... Gah! There...

{Cut to the inside Altkul's mind (All will be referred to as if they were their regular counterparts)}

EKUL: Ouch... That hurts... Damage reports?

UL: When power levels inevitably fall, the legs will go limp for a while and Ekul will have a lethargic manner.

EKUL: Great...

{Dracul walks in}

EKUL: Wait, the vampire Ekul?

DRACUL: Yes, yes... and this damage report vill not actually happen. For I shall take over! Fear not, for ve shall become powerful... I'll just vait for all of you to become "lethargic" and then vorry about it. So long.

{Dracul leaves}

EKUL: Okay, what's happened positively?

UL: Our power level is off the charts, thanks to Alternate Ekul. All of your muscles and power are raised and your consciousnesses are incredibly powerful and resistant to control.

{Cut back.}

JERXIE: Bide your time, but you will be mine...

{OOC: Should we continue the other side of the story in the real world? Just to keep the story going?}

{OOC: I can't. I don't have anymore characters around. I'm not real certain what happened to Kyves and Nived is frozen. Oh, uh Chwoka told me over IM that Jerxie and Darlon Virus are the same. However, you could say the virus split.}

ALT SADER: {Breaks into the alternate reality} Stop right there Viromère!

{Note: See episode 24 for explaination}

ALTKUL: ...Who are you?

ALT SADER: Strong Sader. Your loyal but at the same time uncaring friend?

ALTKUL: The name doesn't ring a bell.

ALT SADER: Crap! What in Zorc's name happened?! Oh, right, he was taken from a point in time when we hadn't met, and his present form is dead as well...

JERXIE: ENOUGH OF THIS DRIVLE! {Breaks through the barier and into Altkul's head.}

ALT SADER: Oh... Well, see some other time alternate useses. Es... Es? {Makes another portal and throws Altkul through to prevent damage to the alternate universe. (For the rest of the story, check out episode 24)}

CHWOKA: Woah...dude...chill.

DARLON: {walks on screen} Anyone got a tissue?


{Darlon sneezes on Jerxie, and Jerxie begins to dissolve.}

JERXIE: What!? HOW!?

VANHOCK: Maybe if everyone in blows their nose at the same time, Jerxie will go away! C'mon, viewers at home, Sneeze!

{All the characters sneeze on Jerxie. Nothing happens.}

CHWOKA: Hey, Vanhock, maybe only Darlon's snot can dissolve Jerxie.

VANHOCK: That's just crazy-awesome enough to work!

JERXIE: {throws lightning bolts, which create rain clouds.} Hmph. Well, then, goodbye to your precious dimension! {leaves.}

DARLON: It plans to destroy us with rain?

{A raindrop falls, and the place it hit glitches up and spreads like water.}

DARLON: Oh crap. Glitch water.

{Soon, a heavy rainstorm falls, and it turns out that it's only glitched upfor a while, then it dissapears leaving nothing but whiteness. Everything is being pelted with glitch rain}

VANHOCK: We can't die! It's the neverending episode! We never should have gone to that dimension and alerted them to our existance!

CHWOKA: Vanhock, you gave {kssh} me a idea.

{Chwoka climbs in the DeLorean (which was protected by a tarp) dfjdgjhfegdghjhsajkland climbs in. He wpioujisjaljalkdjitravels into the hids;jpajpajpajdpapast to stop themselves from going into the alternate dimesion. The camera dosen't follow him for a while, showing everything in the universe being erasjifehsfukghjkhjed.}


{Cut to the past, where everything is fine. Vanhock and Chwoka are at the DeLorean}

CHWOKA: Hey, wouldn't it be cool to travel to a pararel universe and totally screw everything up?

VANHOCK: Yeah. Hey, we should leave a note for Ekul and Strong Sader!

{Future Chwoka comes in, barely stable.}

FUTURE CHWOKA: DON'T DSIJDAOHDO {ksssssssssssh} it! {him and his DeLorean are erased, leaving a puddle- like void.}

CHWOKA: I think that confirms it's a bad idea...

{cut to the present. A time wave sweeps through, remaking everything due to Jerxie never being alerted to their existance. Chwoka and Vanhock are sitting on the stick-couch.}

VANHOCK: Hey, you ever wonder what would have happened if we DID go to alternate universes?

CHWOKA: That whole "melting" thing.


CHWOKA: What? NO-{Vanhock grabs Chwoka and they both blast off into the beggining of episode 25.}

{Homestar walks onscreen, writes a ticket, and sticks it on the couch. Strong Mad lifts it upand brings it to the police station.}

HOMESTAR: That's it! The owner of this couch is going to have a hearing for all its illegal parkings. I'm going to get my judges robe.

{Homestar is hit by the incoming DeLorean, sending him into the alternate dimention.}

VANHOCK: Uh...whoops?


{The two get out of the car, and Chwoka drags Vanhock off-screen by his ear.}

{A DeLorean from the future parks, and a Chwoka from the future climbs out, and runs like hexck. Cut to Ekul's place. Chwoka rings the doorbell}

FUTURE CHWOKA: Ekul, open up! This is urgent! I'm from the future!

{Ekul opens up his Trash Can lid.}

EKUL: I, like my other counterpart, live in a trash can! come on in!

{Cut to the inside, which is huge and high tech.}

FUTURE CHWOKA: That's nice, but you need to go to {hands Ekul a peice of paper} This universe in about 5 minutes. Use the Train, not the DeLorean and bring all the users on it. You're about to come back from your trip right now, and I don't want to be seen by my past self.

{Cut to the field. Future Chwoka climbs in the DeLorean and blasts off.}

{Ekul gets up}

EKUL: Alright then, time to take his advice.}

{Ekul puts a fancy key into a wall, then suddenly he falls through a trapdoor. A complex series of events drops him into the train. He activates the train and leaves}


{The Train lands, and everyone remaining on the train ride rushes out.}

ALT VANHOCK: {dying} Plot...plot...plloooottt... {disappears. (OOC: As a hint to Plotman, all characters should say "Plot" when they die.)}

{Noxigar gets off the train}

(OOC: Continuity, my dear Watson.)

ALT STRONG SADER: {Gets off the train, he has a ban bomb around his neck.} I can't plea my case to Eric, and if I'm placed into the continuity of the series within this week, I'll explode.

ALTKUL: Uhg... I'm... losing power... Can't... pass out...

DARLON: Oh my.

{Numerous other Wiki Users (inactive ones) disappear completely, each one with a moan of "Plot".}

ALT DARLON: Hey, didn't Plotman used to say that before he died?

(OOC: Cumen, whoever you are, are you talking about the Cumen from THIS dimension? Also, stop breaking 1.5)

{OOC: Nerd Cumen is from this demension. THAT'S who I'm talking about. And yes...I'll stop breaking 1.5. I'll be back when Season 3 starts! See ya!}

VANHOCK: Wait! Does that mean...

CHWOKA: This has something to do with their plotman!

{Altkul catches on fire}

ALTKUL: I'm... going to... dissapear... I can't die...

{Next to Altkul, Alt Kyves disapears in a flash of lightning.}

VANHOCK: Altkul! Does this have anything to do with your Plotman!?

ALTKUL: Plot...plot...

{Altkul freezes to his core. As he disappears, the frost blows away.}

ALT STRONG SADER: Oh, dashed... un... sporting... {Under his breath} plot... {Explodes in a large spark of electricity}

{Most of the remaining Wikihood users disappear.}

DARLON: I'm willing to take the chance that it does have something to do with their plotman.

{The Altihood members climb in the train and fly into Episode 25 in Wikihood.}

{The train comes back}

EKUL: I guess we won't have to worry about them anymore. Oh well, they WERE from a doomed universe

STRONG SADER: I see. So, where does the mutant camel come in?

EKUL: By the mailbox.

{cut to the mailbox, with a camel tied to it, The camel's eyes turn green, and its eye lasers destroy the rope.}

NOXIGAR: So, what's goin' on?

STRONG SADER: Plotman's dead, and we need to find out who dones it!

NOXIGAR: Let's think for a moment and use common sense. One; Plotman keeps the plot in check and ensures that it isn't ruined. Whoever killed Plotman must've wanted to ruin the plot.

EKUL: Settingdude killed him out of a disagreement.

NOXIGAR: You honestly think that somebody already dead could've done this? A garbage truck got rid of Settingdude before he could do anything useless!

{Noxigar smacks Ekul upside the head}

EKUL: Obviously I meant the OTHER universe's settingdude killed the OTHER plotman. Our plotman was killed by all of us.

NOXIGAR: Aight, Ekul. We have to find out who killed your guys' Plotman. Who'd want to ruin the plot?

NOXIGAR: I'ma go do commentaries. Seeya. {Noxigar warps to Episode 1 with a record box and a microphone.}

Season 1/3

EKUL: Whoa! Weclome back!

HOMESTAR: Um, I'm pretty sure it's Welcome back.

EKUL: Whateva ph00.

STRONG BAD: Uhg, I'm tired of 133t. STOP WITH THE L33T.

NOXIGAR: Now, why would you want the 133t to be stopped? What has 133t done to you?

{A meteor flies out of the sky and crushes Strong Bad. Pan out to see Alt Strong Bad has broken into Alt Plotman's house and is watching the TV.}

ALT STRONG BAD: Alright! That stupid running gag is over in the alternate universe!

ALT PLOTMAN: PLOT! {Chases Strong Bad out of the house with a broom wearing a cape. Zoom in on the monitor.}

STRONG BAD: This is a bit of a predicament.

EKUL: What's happening to me!



{Ekul suddenly turns green and bulging. He absorbs Strong Sad, Marzipan and Bubs}


{Ekul turns back to normal}

EKUL: Whoops. It looks like I stepped on a Deus Ex Machina. Oh well. I was rather untidy.

NOXIGAR: I say. The simulation seems to be in top physical condition. However, my non-alternate friend from that same simulation seems to have been forcibly hindered. Anyway I can fix this problem? I assume that inane Matrix references were the cause.

{OOC: Not a deus ex machina; I'm filling a plot hole up}

STRONG SADER: Top ho! What's going on, chaps?

NOXIGAR: Ekul supposedly stepped on a deus ex machina. I thought we had none.

EKUL: I dunno, I guess we broke it.

{Cut to a parade going over the stick}

VANHOCK: Non-sequiters RULE!

{The parade float that Vanhock's on explodes.}

ERIC: Good job on those explosives.

ALT ERIC: Thanks. {They both high-five}

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