Wikihood 2/eps/XVI

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[edit] Synopsis

Noxigar makes a skit in Green Hill Zone making fun of Wikihood. Everything you knew from Season 3 is wrong.

[edit] Transcript

{The screen is still black.}

ALT NOXIGAR: {off screen} Hello, this is Alt Noxigar! You're wondering who made this ridiculous episode. It was me and my allies from the alternate dimension!

{Green Hill Zone background music plays throughout the entire episode. The field suddenly transforms into Green Hill Zone.}

NOXIGAR: Hi. I'm normal Noxigar. Here we have a wild Strong Sader tied to Homestar's tapedeck.

{Strong Sader is tied to Homestar's tapedeck.}

STRONG SADER: I no like Homestar!

{Strong Sader attacks Noxigar for no apparent reason. Shadow Scythe appears for no reason.}

SHADOW SCYTHE: Like, gag me with a spoon! Why am I in here?

NOXIGAR: You're sweet. Nyahahaha!

{Chwoka is seen with a Banhammer. He is obviously smoking a cigarette.}

CHWOKA: You shall pay for Supersamming us!


CHWOKA: What you're doing's inexplicitably against the rules!

NOXIGAR: Screw the rules, I have money!

{Cut to Eggman in his Sonic Adventure 2 mech shooting Chwoka before he can swing his Banhammer.}

HOMESTAR: Honestly, was that necessary?

NOXIGAR: If Eggman's a deus ex machina, then let me get my Super Sam form working.

{Noxigar transforms into Super Sam}

NOXIGAR: Hello, Eggman. You broke a random fanstuff guideline, so I ban you for all eternity.

{Noxigar uses the banhammer on Eggman. Eggman is seen flying away from Green Hill Zone.}

SHADOW SCYTHE: Like, at least the Spanish Inquisition wasn't here on such a fabulous day!

{The Spanish Inquisition pops up from out of nowhere.}

THE SPANISH INQUISITION: Nobody expects the-

{Cut to Chwoka with a watch on his wrist.}


{The Spanish Inquisition poofs out of existence}

CHWOKA: Any other meaningless crap?

{Cut to Homestar's house. Strong Bad is seen looking around.}

STRONG BAD: Hey, Homestar. Have you seen the X Box?

HOMESTAR: It's right here... in my pants...

STRONG BAD: Homestar, that would've been true if you were wearing pants. In this case, you're not. Now seriously, where's the X Box?

HOMESTAR: Uh, Marzipan's using it to record Led Zeppelin. That way, she can teach Carol the music they have.

{Cut back to Green Hill Zone. Noxigar is still in his Super Sam form.}

STRONG SADER: I no want Super Sam to ban me!

NOXIGAR: Behave, then.

{Cut to Homestar's house again. Strong Bad is eating KFC while Homestar is making out with Etna. Vanhock plays a laughtrack for no exclusive reason. Cut back to Green Hill Zone.}

STRONG SADER: I want out of here!

{Chwoka gets out a catapult and throws Strong Sader in it. Strong Sader is thrown out of it, and he lands in Bowser's Castle, in the lava. Strong Sader melts to death. Cut back to the rest of the people, in Green Hill Zone.}

NOXIGAR: I think we're in Act I of Green Hill Zone, much like the Sonic games.

CHWOKA: {sarcastically} That helps.

NOXIGAR: Wait, where's Ekul?

{Ekul is seen standing up.}

EKUL: You've ignored me for more than 50 lines! You suck!

{Ekul throws a banana at Noxigar.}

CHWOKA: Can we get out of here?

NOXIGAR: Uh, sure.

{The characters in Green Hill Zone walks towards a starpost. The episode fades to black.}

NOXIGAR: {offscreen, and while the screen is black} Let me say my favorite catchphrase to end this episode: NWORB ENAJ YESLEK!

{End 'sode}

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