Wikihood 2/eps/XV
From The Wikihood
[edit] Synopsis
A skit where all jokes are acceptably used.
[edit] Transcript
{Cut to Noxigar at the time travel train. He obviously has his own room.}
NOXIGAR: Hey, kids! Here's today's super special word of the review! It's...
HOMESTAR: {offscreen} Bacon Man!
NOXIGAR: Pull up your pants and scream as loudly as you can when you hear it!
THE MU: Noone thinks "no one" is one word.
NOXIGAR: Who are you supposed to be, 4Wimps? I'd rather be bothered by Space Tree.
ERIC: Bacon Man.
{Every Homestar Runner character pulls up their pants and screams as loudly as they can.}
NOXIGAR: Every HRFWiki Inside Joke, Running Gag, and Common Theme is allowed to be used.
ERIC: Fwuh?
NOXIGAR: I'm just pointing out da facts for our audience.
{Cut to Chwoka and Other character on-stage along with a huge crwod.}
OTHER CHRACTER: Pssst. Chwoka, that means you.
CHOWKA: Nobody's done anything evil yet.
{Cut back to the train Noxigar's in.}
{Other Character (With a handlebar mustache taped to his face), smashes a brick over Noxigar's head.}
OTHER CHARACTER: Brwhahaha! shall use this train to {looks at a script} mess up the universe!
{Chwoka smashes a brick over Other Character's head.}
CHWOKA: Nobody messes with MY universe. Other universes, sure.
NOXIGAR: Good job. What's this? {Noxigar notices that Other Character had a script. Noxigar takes out Strong Bad's lighter and burns the script.} Now let's discard the evidence before Space Tree shows up!
EKUL: We need more funding!
NOXIGAR: Since these skits are obviously not canon enough, laughtracks do not affect their awesomeness.
{a buzzer is heard}