Wikihood 2/eps/23

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23 Terminal Flaw


CAST (in order of appearence): Y2K, Noxigar, ApocalypX, Bubs, the alternates, Homestar, Darlon, Doctor


{It begins how Episode 22 finished. Y2K pops in.}

Y2K: What happened here?!

NOXIGAR: I'm thinking that ApocalypX is trying to cause a thunderstorm. Good thinking that the Master Emerald absorbs lightning during those times on Angel Island Zone. Well, I gotta protect Bubs. He's almost at Angel Island. This will be a cinch from there to relocate Bubs to Hidden Palace Zone.

{OOC: Angel Island Zone is the beginning zone within the entire island. I call it Angel Island, but its actual name is Floating Island. What's taking everyone so long?}

APOC: Wrong.

{A portal opens up. Seen heading towards it are Gunships and Helicopters. They pour through the portal.}

APOC: There we go.

{Noxigar sees that Bubs' Concession Stand has made it to Angel Island Zone. He gets out a walkie-talkie.}

NOXIGAR: Bubs, do you read me? Get to Hydrocity Zone as fast as possible! The weaklings that call themselves the Combine are using aircraft to try and get to Angel Island. If you take the upper path and stay away from the water, you'll find a computer room. Use that room to get to Hydrocity Zone from there. They can't reach you once you're in Hydrocity Zone because their weaponry will rust easily because of the amount of hydrogen atoms in the zone itself!

APOC: Destroy the simulation.

{The Combine proceed to destroy everything on the Field and everything in the simulation on the ground. The Gunships fire on the buildings, while the Helicopters make bombing runs. OOC: The Helicopters are different to the Gunships. Check the Wikipedia page on "Combine". Besides, I don't care about Whatever Land.}

NOXIGAR: Don't you realize the harm you're doing?! Darn it all, I'm going to get Bubs to the computer room on Angel Island Zone. Smell ya later, Apoc.

{Noxigar teleports to where Bubs landed.}

NOXIGAR: Okay, Bubs. Let's get a move on!

{Noxigar and Bubs run towards a wall with a ladder. Bubs climbs the ladder to get to the computer room. As soon as Bubs gets there, Noxigar burns the ladder down with his Axel form.}

BUBS: No problem, Noxi! I'll find the computer room in no time! I have my super technologies!

{Bubs gets out a virtual map.}

VIRTUAL MAP: Insert location.

{Bubs swiftly types "Angel Island Zone"}

VIRTUAL MAP: Angel Island Zone downloading...

{OOC: Noxigar, you swore!!1 Cut to a ruined The Field. Apoc laughs evilly.}

{OOC: Eh, oops? Was it really necessary of an OOC thing?}

{Cut back to Bubs and the virtual map.}

VIRTUAL MAP: Download of Angel Island Zone complete.

BUBS: Get me to the computer room!

{The virtual map reveals the path that Bubs instantly takes. Bubs swings through a series of vines and lands on a platform which has a sign reading, "Computer room thataways." It points up. Cut to the real world. Instead of a real-time apocalypse, it's as it was pre-invasion, except with the Civil Protection as the police force. The citizens seem happy. Cut back to The Field.}

APOC: Ok, move out.

{The Combine leave and the Gunships and Helicopters go through the portal, and the portal closes. Apoc and the CBU stay behind.}

CBU: No.

APOC: Is that a defiance to my orders?

CBU: Yes.

APOC: Perish.

{ApocalypX charges at the CBU who dodges the attacks. The CBU attempts to stab Apoc but misses. Apoc slices at the CBU and cuts his headmask.}

CBU: You'll pay.

{The CBU stabs Apoc. There is an eerie silence.}

APOC: I'm not dying now.

{Apoc grabs the CBU's face.}

APOC: But you are.

{Apoc rips off the CBU's head.}

APOC: Killed by a superior. How tasteless. NOW DO YOU SEE HOW HEARTLESS I AM?

{Cut back to Bubs, who has just made it to the computer room with a few scratches.}

BUBS: Who placed those spikes so close to the computer room? That was ultra-hard to get through. Oh well, let's get down to brass tacks!

{Bubs downloads the RAM of the Virtual Map onto the computer into the computer room. It says to wait for 5 minutes.}

BUBS: 5 minutes, huh? Well, this better hurry up, or else the Combine's gonna imprison me!

{The download completes within a matter of seconds.}

BUBS: Alright, Virtual Map. Show me the way to Hydrocity Zone!

{The virtual map shows two possible paths. One is entirely underwater.}

BUBS: Noxigar told me not to take the underwater path, but the upper path has so many spikes and flames! Aggh, I might have to take the upper path. It does seem shorter. Alrighty then, let's get this train wreck-arollin!

{Bubs runs the upper path with chilling ease, running through the loop-de-loops, jumping over the spikes, and ducking flames. He eventually reaches a bridge where the path ends.}

BUBS: {eyes bugging out} Not a dead end!

{OOC: In Sonic 3 & Knuckles, a red echidna named Knuckles activates a switch which destroys the bridge. I'm not sure how Bubs'll get to Hydrocity Zone in Wikihood, however. Also, don't make a Flying Battery Zone. It's not supposed to exist in Wikihood.}

{Time freezes, and everything is covered in white. Realer (Real World lvl. 2) Will walks infront of the screen.}

WILL: Hey. Noxigar. STOP WITH THE SONIC. KEEP H*R CHARACTERS IN CHARACTER. Jeez. I WAS on strike, but you've just destroyed it! I NEED to be here. God, how can Alt Chwoka fix this...Maybe I should pull out that surprise

{Realer Will walks off-screen, and everything turns back to normal. Alt Chwoka walks on screen.}'

ALT CHWOKA: Ummm...Bubs...

{Bubs grabs Alt Chwoka by the collar.}


{Alt Chwoka smacks Bubs upside the head, and he relinquishes Alt Chwoka}

ALT CHWOKA: Dude, are you under some weird influence?

{Cut to the inside of Bubs' head. Darlon is there, along with Sonic. Bubs is tied up.}

DARLON: He's on to us!

SONIC: I know! Let's run!

{Darlon charges a blast and kills Sonic.}

DARLON: No. I don't even know why I kept you alive.{thinking} Heh. The fools have forgotten about me...{thinking}

{Darlon splits into three.}

DARLON 1: Ok, clones. I'll handle Bubs and make the economy of the simulation slowly. You {points to number two} escape into the real world. You {points to number three} go cause general havoc.

{The other two Darlons turn into red 1s and 0s and float away.}

{Cut to the real world. A red blob leaks out of the chairs and reforms. Cut to outside Bubs.}

BUBLON: Full to take over the rest...

ALT CHWOKA: Ummmm...did the alternate Darlon recover his memory at last? Oh no...

{Darlon walks up.}

DARLON: Where am I?

ALT CHWOKA: Then that must be...the virus...

{A floating mass of red 1s and 0s flies into Darlon's head.}

DARLON: Wow. Heh heh heh. OH YEAH! {flies off.}

ALT CHWOKA: This is very very bad...Ah, well. Not my dimention. All I gotta do is go find myself in the past and then stop myself from winning. Now, where's that DeLorean...

{cut to the feild. The Alternate DeLorean is parked}

ALT CHWOKA: All I gotta do is climb in and- {Red 1s and 0s fly into the DeLorean, turning it into a cake.}

{Cut to a shot of Altkul, having never the chance to go back from whence he came. He's shivering in the corner.}

ALTKUL: So... serious... Must make... stuff happen randomly...

{Alt Chwoka hangs from the ceiling.}

ALT CHWOKA: Heeeeey Altkul. Wanna go home already? There'll be pi!

{Altkul is instantly ecstatic.}

ALTKUL: Hooray! How do we get home?

ALT CHWOKA: We climb in my DeLorean and fly away! Only one problem: The DeLorean got infected and turned into CAKE!

ALTKUL: If only I had my time traveling pirate ship... I came in... let's see... 21? It should still be here...

{The ones and zeros fly into Alt Chwoka}


ALTKUL: That's good because... I AM!

{Altkul rips off a mask, to show that he's actually Alt Chwoklon.}

{Cut to Noxigar, who is in Angel Island Zone, noticing the mess that Chwoka, Darlon, and their alternates have made.}

NOXIGAR: {sarcastically} This is just great. You said Will left, Chwoka. You lie to me, therefore you die on the behalf of Organization XIII. {Noxigar gets out a green bomb from his right sleeve. and throws it at Chwoka.} Ekul, I refuse to kill you. You serve an infinitely better purpose in Wikihood than Chwoka ever will. The only useful thing Chwoka's done is killed the Iblis Trigger. {Noxigar points at Sonic's corpse} {OOC: My personal opinion.}

{The Dream Weavers music from the very first Spyro the Dragon game plays throughout the rest of the episode}

NOXIGAR: {sighs} I'll give you props to killing the Iblis Trigger. {Noxigar sees Silver the Hedgehog and gives Sonic's corpse to Silver. Silver immediately runs offscreen.} So, Alt Chwoklon, why are you here?

ALT CHWOKLON: Will...left? Crap! The Wille-coyote-effect! {a time wave comes through, correcting everything, including the virus.}

(OOC: Sorry. Lapse of memory.)

ALT CHWOKA: So, Ekul, wanna go home?

NOXIGAR: I'm not Ekul. I'm Noxigar. Got it memorized?

ALT CHWOKA: Ok...but I wasn't even facing you. I was facing Ekul.

NOXIGAR: I thought you and Ekul combined as alternates. I must be wrong, then. Anyways, did Bubs make it? Apoc's trying to take over the world.

ALT CHWOKA: Oh, he is? Well, then...I don't care. I don't even know who Apoc is.

{Cut to Bubs' brain. Sonic is at the controls}


{Sonic is shot, and dies. Pan over to see Bubs with his shotgun.}

BUBS: That'll be 5 dollars!

{Cut back.}

NOXIGAR: I thought the Iblis Trigger died already.

BUBS: Nope. You must be crazy. Now go play StarCraft and pay me.

{Noxigar gives Bubs a 10-dollar bill and runs offscreen}

(OOC: The virus killed Soni,. A time wave made the virus never exist. Can you rewrite the above statements to consider this and put Bubs in-character now that he's killed the personality offender (Sonic)?)

ALTKUL: Time (heh) to go home. GET IT?!? TIME!?

{Alt Chwoka climbs in the DeLorean.}

ALT CHWOKA: Ekul, you comin'?

ALTKUL: HEE HEE HEE! uh, yeah. Let's go Back to the Future.

{Altkul climbs in}

ALTKUL: DeLoreanmobile AWAY!

{Noxigar sneakily climbs on the DeLorean, stealthily avoiding detection from the other 2 passengers}

{OOC: I'll have to recruit Homestar into Organization XIII. :)}

{Alt Chwoka notices Noxigar and throws him out, then flies away before he can get back in. A time wave sweeps through, making Chwoka, Vanhock, and Darlon reappear, along wih the LoE and the virus (OOC: Bye bye combine. It is only without the domination of the LoE over Wikihood evil that you were able to grow.) Alt Future Vanhock appears.}


CHWOKA: Ummm...hey...

ALT FUTURE VANHOCK: {hands Chwoka his sunglasses.} Go forward in time and into the alternate universe and tell me to go retrieve Nived, Ekul, and Darlon. And give me these. {flies off. Chwoka climbs in a DeLorean and flies away.}

VANHOCK: Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...kay...Anyone wanna play yahtzee?

{Cut to Noxigar, who landed in Homestar's house. Homestar is reading a book.}

HOMESTAR: Gweetings, citizen of FCUSA!

NOXIGAR: {looking puzzled} Uh, hello?

HOMESTAR: I'm Homestaw Wunnew. Who might you be, siw?

NOXIGAR: The name's Noxigar. I'm of Organization XIII.

HOMESTAR: Ooh, what's that?

NOXIGAR: If you wish to know...

HOMESTAR: Nah, not weally. {skips off-screen.} I gotta go to Marzipan's place.

{Darlon walks on screen.}

DARLON: Hello, Noxigar...

{Bubs walks on screen.}

BUBS: Join us! With your power and the LoE's combined, we could rule the world!

{Alt Future Vanhock flies in momentarily, and drops off Nived.}

ALT FUTURE VANHOCK: Sorry if this is a bit later than when I dropped you off. {flies off.}

DARLON: Nived, all is going according to plan. The virus is takiong over the H*R chracters and it's leaking into the real world. It also restored my memory.

{Alt Darlon runs on screen.}


{Noxigar brings out the 7 Chaos Emeralds.}

NOXIGAR: I shall restore your memory, Alt Darlon. You're lucky these things just recharged. Now to not use them as often as the previous times.

{Noxigar uses the 7 Chaos Emeralds to restore Alt Darlon's memory.}

NOXIGAR: There. Your not-alternate friend is possessed by some sort of odd virus. I have become a friend of it, however, and I shall try to settle things fairly.

BUBS: Yeah. And we're gonna rule the world!

{Noxigar looks at Bubs quite puzzledly at what he said.}

NOXIGAR: I thought we were saving the world from the Combine. BUBS: No.

DARLON: He's infected with the virus.

ALT DARLON: Hey...{smashes a brick over Darlon's head.} Nobody messes with any universe.

{Darlon is unfazed}

DARLON: Alternate fool. {Throws Alt Darlon back into the Alt universe.} Now that those pesky alternates are gone, I'll deal with the regular fool. {The virus sweeps by and infects the Chaos emeralds.} Now that the virus affected them, your chaos emeralds have been infused with the white space. Anything that can go wrong with whatever they do, will. Any portals lead directly to the white space. Your Chaos emeralds will, eventally, glitch up and do stuff. {a bush turns into a glitchy stop sign}

NIVED: {In response to Darlon} Excellent. On top of that, my obleisk is intact and well hidden. I installed a Character Sheild owned by James T Kirk himself, meaning it can't be stolen or used against us!

NIVED: {In response to Darlon} Excellent. On top of that, my obleisk is intact and well hidden. I installed a Character Sheild owned by James T Kirk himself, meaning it can't be stolen or used against us!

NOXIGAR: Darlon, care to explain why Nived has a "Character Shield"? Also, we're supposed to be saving the world from the Combine. Oh well. Darlon, explain your plans carefully so I can execute them top-notchedly.

NIVED: I installed a character shield onto the Obelisk. And like I said, I got it from Kirk before he died.

NOXIGAR: Ok then. Let's listen to Darlon for a few. His plans on saving the world from the Combine might actually be useful.

DARLON: No. I won't tell you my plans. Also, what's the combine? (OOC: In the regular timeline with the LoE, the combine is fused with the LoE.)

NOXIGAR: Nevermind. I assume a time paradox has occured and impaired your memory a bit. I have a mind-control device meant for Homestar should he arrive. I'll hold Marzipan hostage to lure the naive ingrate.

{Cut to Marzipan tied to a pole located to the left of Noxigar.}

DARLON: But Marzipan is already infected! And so is Homestar!

NOXIGAR: Who cares? I mean, Marzipan's useless otherwise! We might as well use her as bait to lure Homestar!


NIVED: Anymore questions? Good. Let's finally rule the universe.

NOXIGAR: Okay by me.

{Noxigar teleports to a white space.}

NOXIGAR: Every white space has a flaw... hehehehe... it seems like this place used to be Mad Matrix from Shadow the Hedgehog. No matter. My power, as Bubs stated, can help me rule the world with Darlon...

{Noxigar uses the Chaos Emeralds in the white space.}


{Noxigar reverses time flow and finds himself in the past Mad Matrix, seeing Shadow the Hedgehog and Espio the Chameleon, he rushes towards Digital Circut and deletes the core program of the simulation with the Shadow Rifle.}

NOXIGAR: Now to tell those ingrates in the present.

{Noxigar heads towards the alternate dimension.}

{Cut to Noxigar in a white padded room with a strait jacket.}

DOCTOR: I'm afraid there's nothing we can do but keep him on drugs.

NOXIGAR: SoNiC...mAd MaTrIx...blblblblblbl...

{Cut to Noxigar's brain. Several characters, such as Yoshi and Silver the Hedgehog are inside. Noxigar arrives from his lunch break.}

NOXIGAR: Okay, I'm back. Alright. Now let me back on to stop this nonsense. Silver, go with Yoshi and make sure my internal organs function against the virus' commands.

{Cut back to Noxigar, who is out of the straitjacket, holding to the doctor's head.}

NOXIGAR: Enough of this nonsense. The ingrates must not have existed.

{Cut back to Nived and Darlon}

NIVED: Hmph. I don't really know where he went, but it sure didn't seem to make any sense.

{A time wave sweeps through, deleting everything but Noxigar. Cut to the real world, where the virus has been wrecking havoc. The wikihood members are thrust out into a world that is glitched up extremely (except for Noxigar, still in his chair, having jumped the timewave destroying the simulation)}

WILL: Oh, this is bad.


(OOC: Rant on talk page.)

IX1X7a Thanks, useful material I added your blog to my bookmarks!...

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