Wikihood/Ep 2

From The Wikihood

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'''EVIL:''' {in Stinkomans voice} Pu puttp Are you asking for a challange?
'''EVIL:''' {in Stinkomans voice} Pu puttp Are you asking for a challange?

Current revision as of 01:48, 1 April 2006

[edit] Synopsis

Bla, bla.

[edit] Transcript

{Cut to the Field. Count X is insane and is ripping apart the screen. Pan out to see that everyone is watching.}

THE 386: Please stop! You've no idea what you're doing!

HOMESTAR: Man, you are nuts.

STRONG BAD: Yeah, sure are. I'ma hit you too!

{Strong Bad hits Homestar.}

THE VOICE: {from TV} Greeting's one and all! After the success of messing with those other cretins, I have incorporated a new plan. To take over wiki users.



COUNT X: He's on the Field.

{Cut to the Field, Trevor is standing there, and a lady is staring at him lovingly. Cut back to the screen. OOC: Who is the lady? The Voice is an NPC.}

COUNT X: You're an admin... of this show, 386.

THE 386: You forgot The 386. Pieinbubsface, we need to find a way through here.

ERIC: Whatever. I know what to do while we're stuck here. {Points to RuleBreaker}

RuleBreaker: I'm not breaking any HRFWiki rules! I AM NOT!!

ERIC: Yeah, shut up. {Pummels RuleBreaker very hard}

BUBS: {Holding up sign that says: "Several Pummelings $5"} That'll be 5 dollars.

{The 386's cellphone rings}

THE 386: Yes?

{Pan over to see Count X talking on his cellphone.}

COUNT X: Yeah... pepperoni... 4... hold the mayo.

THE 386: Kay, Bubs, make this quick! We've got pepperoni pizza being ordered, four slices, no mayo! Make it quick or you're fired!

{he hangs up}

BUBS: Coming right up!

{10 minutes later...}

BUBS: Heres the pizza! {Hands pizza to The 386}

THE CODE: {Falls on pizza from a very high height} Aw, nuts. I better get... going... place... PEOOOW!! {Runs away very quick}

THE 386: More like, prreeow! {OOC: this line was taken from one of the sbemails} Is the pizza intact?

BUBS: Yes, it is!

{all of a sudden, the lady metioned before walks up to Trevor}

{almost now, it cuts back to The 386, NachoMan and Count X, just standing there}

NACHOMAN: What's so great about Trevor? He's a floating brain in the future. He's ugly. Why aren't the ladies flocking to me?

{The 386's phone rings}

THE 386: Hello?

{Pieinbubsface jumps in with a sword and cape and is about to gut Bubs when he decides it is inappropiat}

PIEINBUBSFACE: {Quoteing Stux} Wazzup?

{Simaltainiously hits Eric with sword.}

{instantly The 386 hangs up and brandishes his energy sword}

THE 386: You can't kill Eric, nor can you cheat death!

ERIC: {Unfreezes} Hey, I'm back. {Pause} OW! {Falls on the floor, bleeding}

PIEINBUBSFACE: Wait, how did I hurt Erik? I onlt hit him.

ERIC: {Enters onscreen, dead body still on the floor, like in some Bonus Stage episodes} MY NAME IS ERIC! NOT ERIK! D1333!!!! {Cut so a super action-ish scene where Eric throws a paper at Pieinbubsface's neck. His neck eventually bleeds.}

PIEINBUBSFACE: {cut back to normal} sorry, a unamed user on fanstuff has a name spelled Erik so I know that guy better and how can you even tell how stuff is spelled? (I mean you can't spellcheck spoken words.)

ERIC: Yeah but yous neck still bledding.

{Ghostbusters theme song starts to play}

ERIC: {Answering to phone} Hullo?

BUBSTY: {On phone} 'Sup I'm back! And in other news, I'm the "unamed user on fanstuff". I think. I mean, my name is Erik.

{Suddenly gets a heart attack}


{Dies and hangs up}

HOMESTAR: I wike marshmellows!

{Bubsty comes in from the left of the screen, with a giant hole in his chest and blood pouring out}

BUBSTY: Look man, if you don't have anything original to say, don't say anything at all. Also I'm the real Joel. I mean, I didn't die.

{Strong Sad enters from the left}

STRONG SAD: You're the coolest guy ever Bubsty!

BUBSTY: You know I hate you right?

{Aussie Evil rezzes in}

AUSSIE: Well, it seems that this world has boundaries. {the screen pans over to reveal Techno.} Oh, Techno how long have you been standing there?

TECHNO: I don't know, about the whole time.

{Aussie's Cellphone plays "Oh Yeah" by Yello}

AUSSIE: Hang on.

THE 386: Can't you explain this?

BUBSTY: Yes. Long story: Chapter 1. Scene 1. Cut to a big house. Lightning crackles. A man with a black cloak walks in.

STRONG SAD: Shut up!

BUBSTY: Ok. Short story: Your mom.

{The 386 suddenly punches Strong Sad in his stomach}

THE 386: More like, you shut up!


THE 386: He's actually real, for the last freakin' time!

ERIC: We better get going in my car.

DAVE DUDE: You don't have a car.

ERIC: Yes I do! I bought it. And you can drive it. It's very expensive.

{Cut to somewhere else with a box}

DAVE DUDE: It's a cardboard box.

ERIC: Duuh! It's a transformer!


THE 386: AAUGH! STOP ALL OF THAT! PLEASE! {chokes} Okay, I'll stop yelling!

{Aussie rises out of the ground}

AUSSIE: They cancelled my magazine subscriptions.

THE 386: They have no idea what they are doing! That is crappy.

FUTURE DAVE DUDE: AAAAH!! STOP MAKING THIS... Thing? Whatever. {Kills present day Dave Dude and disappears}

ERIC: Ooooookaaayy.... So?

{cut to The 386 in a new room, with one of the Yoshis in there. he's reasoning with the Yoshi}

THE 386: You swindler! I demand that you give him a new car, not all this low-tech! That's not improved! That's... err... de-proved. {OOC: Yoshi is an NPC}

{Cut to other room, Eric is standing on a chair with a rope around his neck}

{old Bonus Stage intro cues, with the main characters replacing the Bonus Stage ones}

TECHNO: {jumps up and kicks the Yoshi} Ahhh! That's me! Die Compy-man! Wait, what am I talking about? {pan out to see the rest of his room, empty}

ERIC: {Enters onscreen, has a helmet} I'm Keen, Eyebrow Raiser.

THE 386: Oh, no, he's gonna cry!

{the Yoshi does start crying}

ERIC/KEEN: You owe me 2 bucks.

THE 386: Aww, crap!

ERIC: So, are we really destinated to die in episode 87? Why not 88? It sound more... like.. 88. {OOC: I heard that some rich fan guy is going to pay matt to continue making BS, at least until episode 100.}

THE 386: So, we're parodying Bonus Stage? It isn't a good idea.

ERIC: {Joel flashes for a second replacing Eric} Oh, sorry.

THE 386: GET OVER HERE! {he sends his grabbo arm off screen. OOC: the "get over here" is from "Mortal Kombat".}

ERIC: {Very bored voice tone} The pipes are broken. {Throws a dime on a zombie that falls on the floor}

ZOMBIE: Uhnhghh... Dead.

THE VOICE: The 386 {mortal kombat voice} wins... fatality.

PIEINBUBSFACE: {Mixes some chemicals, there is a boom.} Aa ha ha ha, now all bouns stage references will randomly be replaced by 20X6 guys.

THE 386: {offscreen} GET OVER HERE!

20X6 JOEL: {Stinkoman's voice} I bought a car!

THE 386: That's a box!

{a fight of mortal kombat starts}


{The 386 brandishes his energy sword, and makes the first move, dealing a ton of damage}

MORTAL KOMBAT: Finish him!

{dramatic music}


{he hits Joel}

MORTAL KOMBAT: The 386 wins... fatality. Again?

ERIC: Whatever. {Throws a coin at nowhere} Aw, nuts. I'm out of coins.

THE 386: Now to find Pieinbubsface.

ERIC: I want to do something more... Unboreable-ish. Like prank calls. Or being on TV.

{Pan to the left to show Joel And Phil}

JOEL/PHIL: {Simultaneously} We're going be on TV! We're going be on TV! {OOC: Watch episode 77}

THE 386: {interrupting} COME HERE!

{he pulls Phil toward him}

JOEL: It's now time for... {Gets pixelated} JOEL'S ADVENTURE 2!

PHIL: {Offscreen} Shut up! I already said that your game is total crap!

JOEL: {Still pixelated} Not as crap as Phil's Journey.

THE 386: COME HERE! {he pulls Joel offscreen}

{Aussie puts on a Starfleet combadge and beams away}

COUNT X: {notices someone with gun} That is... MY BOOMSTICK!!!

{The screen rips in two. All dialogue is heard.}

THE VOICE: Brilliant. You wreaked the screen. Then you have ruined the series.

COUNT X: More like... your m- dad.

THE VOICE: My father, has nothing to do with anything.

{A zapping noise is heard and the screen.}

COUNT X: Man, you really do need special plugging-in... erm, ness.

{Creepy etheral music plays as a large shadow creeps across what's left of the screen}'

EVIL: {in 1-Up's voice} Yes it is I, Ev… Oh, crap I hate the {starts going back to Evil's voice} no Bonus Stage, oh wait, that's better. Now, yes, it is I Evil coming to devour you soul and take over the plot!

{Suddenly Evil turns into Stinkoman}

EVIL: {in Stinkomans voice} Pu puttp Are you asking for a challange?


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